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Model Barum BRAVURIS is currently unavailable
We are collecting information about this tyre from 8313 Days
During this time, we have collected1795 reviews
Our customers have driven on these tyres 27057000 km
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I decided to purchase these tyres size 185/65R14 H under the influence of the positive reviews here. After a year of use, I am becoming more and more unhappy. I think I exchange them for others. Cons: fast clash. When starting fast breaks traction. Tragic drivability. Required to twist a lot more power. In the city, even with power is a problem. In addition, poor braking on dry asphalt. Pros: well-behaved on wet roads. Overall I would not recommend it. tyres of ideksem T have different tread and perhaps are better but Barum Bravuris H is bogus. Read more Collapse
Summary: I do not recommend this tyre
Overall assessment:
The grip on dry surface 1/5
The grip on wet surface 3/5
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This tyre can be a compromise between expensive and not well-known brands of trash. Uses the second season tyres and nothing happens, I'm happy, and when you buy spared about $ 400 (was going to buy gudier exelenc). Owner them on audi a6 wagon with normal driving the family car that is well dociążony is often rides on different routes and at different speeds (there are large, with 180 tyres and you do not hear nothing happens car holds the road) and still tyres easily senile for another season and another kilometer. I would recommend. Read more Collapse
Summary: I recommend this tyre
The grip on dry surface 4/5
I bought two tyres on the rear axle because the front was already an established previously. On the back I had Debica Furio. The difference became noticeable after the first meters. First, it was a whole lot quieter. Secondly improved stability in fast bends can be overcome. Also started on a wet car more comfortable to drive. Not much I can say about wear, because I have them for 2 months. Overall, I'm satisfied. For this price, it is difficult to expect something better. However, it seems to me that, and it gives a lot of tyre. Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 4/5
Tyres team gets first contractual the "abrasion", because during the half year of operation in the Polish city route holes and bumps 2 of 4 in the trash, one shot at while driving ... CIRCULAR elegant inner hole on the side of the surface on the other "grown up" beat the bulge causing vertical. The manufacturer would probably not be believed, but I know of did not have adventures are any heavier than the previous ... Would treat it as a symptom of bad luck, but I see that I am not alone ... I have such experience? Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 3/5
Although directional tread water discharge bad, worse than my previous symmetric Michelin, in a wet way too slippery. B. well keep driving direction, not myszkują - recommended for cars with excessive power steering at higher speeds. The sides of the soft side of the Under-looks. Definitely different, hard (for?) Mix (even different color) is in contact with the ground, but during the operation, especially at the edges appear jags and losses tread. My car for these tyres is far too heavy. You can recommend a lighter cars. Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 5/5
The grip on wet surface 2/5
Krasnal z Krakowa
Tyres that surprised me with its durability. Przejezdziłem on them all year making 30k. and are still in good shape. Good behavior on the high-speed corners, both on dry and wet roads. I rode well in winter as well as summer tyres. This drawback: relatively high level of noise, and I was at the beginning of the impression that the tyre has a tendency to "swing" in the corners (not holding the vertical axis), but later I got used to. I think that despite a few shortcomings it is a really great tyre for the money. Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 5/5
I tyres founded in Fiat Punto II, 185 the width of a panda enough when starting OK, sometimes when braking hard it was to stop the wheel in place, also exercised good ... BUT ... but less than the wet ice, which was driving the arc 80, the wet ... 45 - 50 max, when braking to a book, you can read a bit ;/ noise, but there is no tragedy. If it comes to tyre wear - decent. Cost 160/szt .. well I've got them from behind, now it's time for the Uniroyal RainExpert: D 200zł/szt a comparable difference in the wet :) Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 2/5
The grip on wet surface 1/5
I just bought tyres was no promotion and cheaply came out. Exterior ok, on a wet road also drains water nicely. Sometimes, especially rode in puddles to see whether it is ok - it's ok! On a dry road braking a little tyre to "gowns". The tragedy is the noise level. The massacre, I was on Bearing check because they thought it was so noisy - but not, it turned out that it was the tyres. Barumy are loud as hell. If it does not bother anyone and no money for a lot of them can afford to go ahead and buy it. Read more Collapse
Enough to keep the bends and fast straights, but no revelations. Is well on wet asphalt or completely flooded. Even as the average size of the 195/65 14 looks attractive (due to tread). Cons: the high-profile rubber is so soft that it flattens under the car, I have the impression that sticks to surfaces while driving but it is unstable on the side. This gives the impression of incomplete reign at 180 - 190 km / h Even at cruising speed 120 - 140 km / h are quite loud, and the rolling resistance does not impress. Read more Collapse
Cheap tyres and rolling dobre.Opory małe.Hałas umiarkowany.Dobrze well they look and hold auto.rub off normal-please remember that today is getting better holding the tyres softer but it is their life to zmniejszyła.Jak I read some reviews that it is not good for the winter it made me laugh flood-directional summer tyre for the winter? If someone has let them buy a cassette better if you do not let it replace your old bolts with new Barumy and I certainly do not regret it, and so its safety will increase. Read more Collapse
I have these tyres since August 2003. and I think they are great, I've also had Baruma only that the earlier model and was sucks (slippery on wet nawieszchni - almost impossible to go ao braking you had forgotten). Nawieszchni wet stick very well (I know because I drove a few years old GoodYear Aquatrec ago - or something like that) do not differ from Goodyear. I Clincher this, which is pictured below. In this tyre fixed everything, good brakes, the water acts as a more expensive brand owiele tyres. Read more Collapse
seeking comfort changed from 13 "to 14" unfortunately, these tyres provide clear sense nierówności.Są moderately quiet. Well exercised to braking on wet and dry 5-woven. In corners, however, did not keep the car, uślizg side (on the dry). Widomo not how and where we finish the turn. At 100km / h on the jechaniu a puddle right wheel, Providence saved me from meeting poboczu.Od trees now terribly afraid of puddles. I do not buy back of 2 reasons puddle and terrible in my opinion, to keep the corner. Read more Collapse
The noise is so great that even the radio turned up does not help. Sound like a jet taking off. I've had enough and threw Firestone winter tyres and they are a whole lot quieter. I feel sorry for the noise winter tyres but I just could not stand jush. On the plus give the appearance and good conduct but all pale in the noise. I spent more than 500 zł for convergence, spacers, see a mechanic. I thought it was my car fault but also my fellow Focus Dr. terribly. Never in my life I do not buy them anymore! Read more Collapse
SUPER TYRES for a low price! I drove for them in the 3000 race 2 months and so far I'm not complaining. The wet well stick to the road and braking also is certain to dry nawieszchni fluid, and it can especially feel the route. I had no problems on the line bends, also at higher speeds. Urzywalem leprzych many different brands and dozszych and noticed no difference Colossians. Rzadne known for the great tyres for reckless driving is not us against unhappiness uchronias, and also Bravurisy. Regards Read more Collapse
I bought these tyres suggesting the comments on this site and unfortunately I was not happy. The fact that low prices do not justify the juddering. Tyres pretty loud in general do not hold on wet asphalt, there is a problem with high-speed driving off in the wet, after driving 30 thousand. began to form bubbles on the sides. During rainfall in tight curves need not slowing car went to the front. Previously, I would go to Dębica Furio and although not rewalacyjna, it's much better than Barumów. Read more Collapse
Tyres rate as very good. In fact, some are loud and it is a flaw, I do not know whether this is a reason big tread because they are new and the old ones were a little worn out already so I do not hummed. For super-dry, the rain must ride carefully because he likes slizgnac but not always. Of course these are summer tyres so I did not speak out about driving in the winter, I have a second snow-wheels and tyres. Generally sensational price to quality and therefore probably would again, bought them. Read more Collapse
I think it's great tyre, highly recommended! The fact that my car Punto is not too heavy, but rather my driving style to describe a fast and feisty and tyre over the summer, after driving 18 thousand. is not too worn. Even the boy who changed my tyre, it also assumed he was shocked that so few are used. Grip, comfort, peace and all the rest ... a level. In my opinion no way differs from the Continent, Michelin and other leading manufacturers ... and the price is reasonable as you can see! Read more Collapse
tyres ideal for dry, hard to break up the grip on rare binder. As for the rain that often are not the best slide in August, with a good abs, they can notice also slip when starting. On ice and snow is not assessed because it was not for that tyre. Is Lupa en next time I, uh, I think that if the budget will eniski is certainly very good value for the quality and appearance of the tyre or parameters. If bedemial more helmets are probably some other pile of rocks Uniroyal and BFGoodrich g-Force. Read more Collapse
Paramount properties for handling the money, once again buying Baruma disappoint on quality: in Bravurach bubbles in Bravurisach odpadający tread. Not pale gums or anything like that just b.szybka ride with an average 140 - 160 rare but severe braking with ABS. As I did not take into account the more complaints it does not pile on even though the distance she could hardly worn! As someone has patience and wants to save up to buy it is worth looking for performance as they must be let go. Read more Collapse
Great tyres for a low price! 3000 drove them in 2 months and so far I'm not complaining. The wet well stick to the road and braking also is certain rivers flowing in dry conditions, and it can especially feel the route. I did not have no problems on bends, also at higher speeds. I was using a lot of different brands dozszych better, and I noticed no difference Colossians. Known for, with none great tyres for reckless driving will not protect us from harm, and also Bravurisy. Regards Read more Collapse
In dry conditions the behavior of the tyre is very good, but in the wet, it happens differently :/ - can sometimes drive them. This sports tyre is not suitable because it has rounded sides. Overall lateral cornering is not the worst - just what the quickly around a corner there is a net deflection of the tyre, which can sometimes confuse the loss of adhesion. friction and noise levels at the secondary level. In my opinion tyre is a good choice for people who are relaxed driving style. Read more Collapse
Tyres excellent for the price. Rozśmieszją my opinion "will of dozucic stowke and have ok". This is nonsense and snobbery. Brawurisy not differ almost like the quality and appearance of the great brand name tyres. For the money you can buy Stomil who does best agricultural tyres. Brawurisy even have a rant, for which other manufacturers make us the question of money. Remarkably, even demanding users. Do not be fooled by the opinions of those who have ridden a few tysiączków. Read more Collapse
So far I am pleased. Previously I had HANKOOK, Barum provide greater comfort. Well remove water, and a better hold on the dry basis. There is no civilian vehicle tyre that has not lost its grip when driving into a puddle at 120km / h as some suicide bombers are written here. One such I was ahead of the national 2 in the rain I was going 80 and he can 150 and so I was faster in order and he ended up on the roof in a ditch. I recommend reading or Auto Motor world in April on Randy. Read more Collapse
Very good tyres for a small price. Before purchasing I read reviews from previous users that are slippery and fast clash. How to drive recklessly and do not care about the hardware that's for sure sooner it will destroy and what to slippery it does not tyre that will not slip at excessive speed (excluding ABS). I've been going on these Barumach has 2 seasons and tear is minimal, despite the low profile also they are very comfortable and soft. Very cool, cheap eraser. Read more Collapse
Recently I bought them but for now they are only about terribly loud. Keep checking on the water (400 km in the rain + b sharp ruts filled with water) and so far I did not disappoint. On a dry journey at speeds in the range of 160 km / h does not make much of an impression on them. What's interesting - the faster you are going the more quiet. In the winter, for sure I will not be ridden on them - they are not used to this time of year because I gave them the one point. Read more Collapse
I bought these tyres after analyzing the ratings and was not disappointed. are great for city driving as well dampen inequality. Oversized tyres specifically chosen to avoid destroying the suspension on rough roads. Hot and dry summer gave me the opportunity to not ride them in the rain, and they are typically rain tyres. During heat waves tend to popiskiwania cornering and braking. I drove 8000 and have not noticed wear. Good tyres for very little money. Read more Collapse
I bought tyres analyze various texts professional journals, websites, etc. are magnificently fought on a wet road - no slip - and it was mostly me! Dry Street - a revelation. Rubber quiet in my opinion. A drawback is the attrition - after 40000 km only suitable replacement, and do not press too much gas. In addition, after the course began to have problems with balancing wheels - beat on the steering wheel even after changing wheels. Gumiarze not give advice to eliminate. Read more Collapse
Not know from where such opinions, of what is proposed rather guilty suspensions and driving style, and the assignment of each hole and the curb. Unfavorable opinions are rather technical justification of cars. Once you know that the tyre will not be new but also great worn are not included within the limits of the rules and regulations, great meet this obligation. For normal (not slow drivers) know the price does not make miracles but worth recommending tyre. Read more Collapse
Tyres pretty good. Compared to the other that had. Personally, at this price I'll go Dębica furio. Tyres with a nice-looking, reasonably well discharge water very quickly defects clash traces even when entering the pavement and przyhamowywania and when going around a curve. Pros low purchase price, especially in If you have the money and buy expensive Add if not the furio teething but note these tyres Debica birth defect. Regards Waldek Read more Collapse
hmmm I bought with the car looks ok, all in all good hold on the corners in the wet and dry, but be careful! I changed too quickly from winter tyres (Dunlop M3 rewelka) and the temperature about -5 on a perfectly dry asphalt did not know what was happening in the short-term car shining when tyre slippage unpredictable as wzrozła temp to about 5 degrees wszytsko wruciło to normal and generally ok but a bit noisy rigid and well-kept my car for the money ok! Read more Collapse
I found a fatal series, after the founding of the new alloy wheels and balance, falls into the steering wheel vibration at high speeds fatal grip. On the balancer showed its elliptical shape so I gave a complaint, but the manufacturer decided that spanking is normal. No more Continental tyres group certainly is not shit! We strongly advise against, you'd better pay more of 150 zł to set and choose a better brand than to have 4 tyres lopsided. Read more Collapse
Tyres typical summer workout their second season. Coping with frost pierwszysch already be in the "zimowkach" on icy roads because there is no adhesion at all. When you drive aggressively to rapid wear. Since we are dealing with a summer tyre, I think the behavior of the tyre on the ice and the lack of resistance to abrasion by aggressive you drive are fully uzasanione. When you drive a quiet tyre does not show signs of rapid wear. Read more Collapse
Definitely do not recommend, because despite the fact that these tyres on a dry road surface to keep it's wet (even when it rains drizzle) with a stronger inhibition of carries if he was ice on the road. It happened to me several times that almost wjechałbym in the back of a moving car in front of me, going about 50 km / h on a wet nawierzchni.Także do not buy these tyres you how nice life, I'm her to get rid of as soon as possible. Read more Collapse
THIS MAKES YOUR TYRES WIELW pleasure. DO NOT KNOW OF ANY OTHER PROPERTIES OF COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS, BUT IN THIS PRICE (165 PLN per unit) is the ideal offer. THE DRY meet the expectations EVERYONE PROBABLY OUT "athletes". HOLD GOOD, good driving behavior and KOMORT AS IN THIS PROFILE AND OUR ROADS surprises (RIMS NEVER BEEN NOT in trouble!). Wet SLIGHTLY WORSE. Abrasion ACCEPTABLE (THE LIQUID driving, which does not mean Peaceful). Read more Collapse
Tyres behave well in dry conditions, which makes you as quickly and safely overcome the winding, mountain roads, especially at low car :) But if it's wet tyre zachwuje August tragically ... In the fast moving, boxing circles ... with reduced driving and overtaking .... boxing circles, anyway, if someone runs quietly and does not require high-performance tyres grip, you can easily recommend as a cheap tyre and fairly good. Regards Read more Collapse
I bought the tyres because they were at a bargain price, and met with many positive feedback. It turns out, however, that if the dry tyre is very good, it's already so wet pink is not - sometimes, especially when (after) heavy rain, we feel a bit like a sled (it's especially comfortable situation). Added to this is quite rapid wear. Apart from these drawbacks tyre is satisfactory, but do not know if skusiłbym to buy it again. Read more Collapse
I drove on them for one season, because only so strong, overall very wearing on całekiem tyres good performance, quiet, ensuring proper holding, but attrition (starasznie fast. Second time I did not buy them, I had them on the front of the back were already well klepbery worn at the time of purchase Bravurius floor, survived it, and now again change bravuriusy and klebery are, to buy an this time to try something else on the front Read more Collapse
The first tyres on the front axle Barum mentioned after driving 30 among other things because they were heavily used (I think that even przejeździły season) but the main reason was damaged mechanically (ransacked our beautiful canvas on the road). The rear axle tyres purchased at the same time, despite the course of approximately 35 thousand. km farther look great so I decided to purchase tyres on the front axle barum. Read more Collapse
Artur B.
I bought because they were cheap tyres but what is cheap but it is not good! It would be better to make these 30zl tyres and archival copy of each such Dayton. Auto has a long braking distances on dry and wet roads, and the larger pools to swim and you can not control the car. Well, what do I need to bother now with these tyres, but I would not recommend this invention! The only advantage is that they are just as quiet. Read more Collapse
I only have two ... When we were at the front, there was a problem with downloading. Odwiedziałem different professionals, took money for adjustment of convergence, and here once attracted to the left, once to the right. Since I got it back, discomfort subsided. Tyres are almost new (May about 4 months). Vulcan told me "can not one in August of Barumow cured" ... On the front instead of Barumow have Michelin. Read more Collapse
Tyres were on the front axle (drive) when purchasing a vehicle and wanted to batter them on the back but to be honest, I was pleasantly surprised. One that looks nice, and two, that the tyre keeps very well in the wet. On the back I Dunlopy and "ass" like the faster turns away so this spring they go "to the trash," and Barum `s go to the back and the front of the already ordered EfficientGrip. Read more Collapse
Although Bravuris is one of the cheaper options that I have chosen, I'm very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the tyre model. Exercise perfectly. Niesprawdziła the opinion which I have heard about the low-profile tyres Barumie that they can at high speeds wubrzuszenia appear on the sides and as a result break - in my car I have hardened suspension and tyre condition after 20 000 km is sensational. Read more Collapse
Very positive value for money. Good tyre traction on wet with a little jump, but it's like any practice. Aggressive, attractive choice. The positive surprise I accepted the fact that the Czech tyres made in France. I would recommend. In kałżach catch the last bit of aquaplaning front but it is not so very deep. Even in winter the snow is decent zachowywyały, because, as usual, I changed too late :) Read more Collapse
The tyre would be really great if not for the noise! The drama, the Audi had them set up at the back it felt like I had a leaky exhaust. The Volvo 940 on all wheels, and instead feel like in the limo felt like Polonaise from wylatanym dyfrem - Massacre. As someone once Randy was not quiet sure it is the years but I had the same parameters byłu traction and faint. You can do this rubber. I really can. Read more Collapse
tyres for smaller cars with low bikes .... if someone has a little stronger my car I do not recommend these tyres, loud, cornering car floats, also had winter tyres Barum and fared better than the summer, in my opinion, are very noisy, and even more thing, they are soft, I mentioned 3 pieces .. burst like balloons and pop-up eggs. For a quiet ride in a small town like autkiem are great for the price. Read more Collapse
I bought the tyres from the vehicle condition was almost perfect - about 5 mm tread. At a speed of 90 km / h rumbling and humming as the damaged bearings. I did not realize that the tyres can just make noise! In the meantime, I spent a lot of money to check falg, bearings, suspension etc.. After Tyre Replacement of peace and quiet. Auto kleiło nicely to the road but the noise and hum unbearable! Read more Collapse
Phenomenal tyre on a wet road. So far I had no tyres better water drainage. However, something for something ... On dry asphalt, unfortunately not. I would recommend for those riders just quietly. With a quick (and very fast) to overcome the impression of tight corners when driving on winter tyres - tyre too soft - leaves. Also, I do not know how to be with durability. I suspect that very well ... Read more Collapse
This tyre is a perfect compromise between quality and price ... What surprised me very nice in these tyres are quiet and good ride comfort. 10 times better than the Pirelli P6000 that I had before. Those tyres are tough, makes you feel that you are riding on the same rim and shrill roar. Barum s are quiet comfortable collar to protect the rim and really look great. My car is 100% sufficient. Read more Collapse
Tyres very good, quiet, comfortable (cool damp hole). Good handling on wet and dry surfaces. Some of the lead. I recommend to all those who do not want to overpay. Tyres worth the money and no one better than more expensive counterpart. Do not look at the bad reviews of road pirates, for which rapid tread tearing at the "burning rubber" is something unnatural!! I highly recommend! Read more Collapse
People in this size class have shown really tyres for this price! fail to see the difference and at the same time ridden a lot more expensive dunlop 2020. Really sticking through remarkable! a look you have to see for yourself ... and that extra edge I advance protection rim just what a dog wanting money .. no one in the service of not wanting to believe for such a conductor runs gave £ 150 Read more Collapse
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