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We are collecting information about this tyre from 7080 Days
During this time, we have collected3474 reviews
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I am happy with the tires I used them in my other cars, I never had a "slipper" tires Debica recommend to anyone znajommu, and they are happy, why overpay since Polish is the best, I'm very happy with the tires, and I know that the tires of the car that drives my wife is safe and durable, our increasingly better roads even the city. Surely now a pile of summer tires only Ryde. Congratulations, well done. Regards Read more Collapse
Summary: I recommend this tyre
Overall assessment:
The grip on dry surface 5/5
The grip on wet surface 4/5
The grip on snow and slush 4/5
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Good donuts at an affordable price. As for me, the best quality / price ratio. The tread pattern of the first seasons after driving in very good condition. Their only drawback is that at higher speeds are a little loud, but not so that after driving a few miles head ached. So I highly recommend these donuts it is better for a little make and buy new Dębice than to look for and buy used szrot, because every new tire is new. Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 4/5
The grip on snow and slush 5/5
I live in the mountains, where in winter weather conditions prevail variables so good tire choice is particularly important. For several years, I use CURTAINSIDE DĘBICA 2 and I think that this tire is sensational in the snow. There is no driveway which I would not have pulled up on these tires. On asphalt, a little loud, but I choose my tire for the purpose of driving on fresh or packed snow and there works great. Read more Collapse
Price is one of the major advantages of the tire, the other one is driving on snow and slush ... and here the advantages end! The tire is not suitable for driving on a wet road braking performance under such conditions similar to driving on the same rim, the sharp turns on the wet asphalt are not sure where you will end your turn. And here arises another advantage, namely, the tire is almost indestructible ... Read more Collapse
Summary: I do not recommend this tyre
The grip on dry surface 3/5
The grip on wet surface 1/5
Very good tires for the price. I drove on them about 3000 km, and I have not found any wear. The car performed very well, both in wet and snow. When it comes to burning, I personally have not noticed a difference either for the better or for the worse. This is not my first "Frigo 2" earlier also rode on them and I was very happy, so purchase w / the brand is obvious. I sincerely recommend to all. Read more Collapse
I must admit that the purchase of these tires has led me among other things, the poor condition of my wallet. Now to say that the quality is not inferior tires other western but much more expensive that once bought, moreover, also from this store. In addition to tires, I would recommend this particular online store. Delivery on time, good contact with the seller. Tires with a fresh date of manufacture. Read more Collapse
Very good behavior grip on both wet and snow, not happened to me a problem with slipping both while driving and starting to snow. On the ice you know any tire will not stick. Good resistance to abrasion. Przejeździłem on these tires 3 winter seasons with a distance ko.25 thousand miles on these tires only and I think I can still ride a little on them that I have auto Opel Astra 1.4 16v engine with Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 5/5
I am a woman and little I know about all these technical parameters, besides tire utilizes a month, so I can not comment too much. Anyway, I ride on them quite well, both on dry and wet roads. In my little "howl" with the fact that I do not know if this case is not the fault of the silencer or even something else. Also look very nice, so for now I am very happy with this purchase. Read more Collapse
I did not notice the tyre defects great all winter long stick to surface even in the most snow allowed me to get to work flawlessly and domu.Dobrze inhibited and my car was out of the slip in corners. I would definitely recommend a real good winter tyres at a relatively low cost, close with my 13 and Chinese counterparts. Also not worth buying when the Chinese home market are good tyres :) Read more Collapse
Przemek 30
I would recommend Dębica;) I had the pleasure to ride this brand tires on 14-inch tires. Now I have a 15 inch that the volume is greater than the better tires but the ride is comfortable. Securely fastened to the surface dry and wet. I can not complain. And of course I would recommend recommend company recently ordered the same in their tire shipment swift and very good contact;) Read more Collapse
For several years, I buy winter tires for cars Debica Frigo.Jeździłem them two peugeotami 406, C5, and now another C5.Uważam that our winter conditions are excellent. I ride "mixing" city / route rather flat terrain county roads, periodically leaving the mountains for skiing. Never disappointed on these tires. Definitely a positive value for money tires would definitely recommend Read more Collapse
I bought the tyres and started in October 2011 took off March 20, 2012. I drove 1kkm. No signs of tread wear. As for driveability on snow, SEAT combo, I've never had a problem with that, also very well behaved normally snow on the road, a little hum on dry asphalt. Definitely recommended product. As soon as I descend those that currently supply in the same model. Competitive price. Read more Collapse
previously used the tyres more reputable companies but used a few years because it seemed to me that there are good and reasonably priced above wszystkim.Po buying new tyres Debica frigo 2 I noticed a huge difference in the adhesion of the car in difficult conditions zimowych.Zdecydowanie worth to your car wear a new tyres.zwłaszcza if they are available for as low cenę.I recommend Read more Collapse
The conditions this winter were rather autumn, but as I was the snow was great. First of all, I rode in the wet and there were doing average. In some dry abrasion and failure after the first season has not been evaluated objectively, but I gave because I had to give an assessment. I'm glad the quality price ratio very good. I bought it here for 147zł art was just promotion. Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 3/5
The grip on snow and slush 3/5
Given my needs (50:50, city and suburban) relaxed driving style ("pensioners'") strongly recommend. Especially well proven to me in the fresh snow, in places where other more "branded" (in comparable condition) gave no handle. We strongly recommend these tires, especially if someone does not have to yourself "show off" in front of friends. Read more Collapse
I am satisfied with the purchased tires. The product meets so far exceeded my expectations. For many years, every day I use the car, which is used for everyday driving me such work and relaxation, which is why I need to have an efficient and safe vehicles and is among other things Dębica Frigo 2 SAFETY ADVICE provide me with comfort. With full responsibility - recommend. Read more Collapse
Emilia S.
Nice tyre for driving in snow and slush. Both on the road and in the city. Unfortunately, the wet (after rain) can negatively surprised when braking. You have to remember that. Tyres tested in two different cars over a distance of at least 20 thousand. km. Tread wears out rather slowly. Overall rating is 4 (five would have been if not for poor behavior in the wet). Read more Collapse
Tyres really recommendable. Excellent traction grip on snow, up to 15 cm of fresh snow is not an obstacle and in deklikatną hill. Two times I had a situation where the slope in the parking lot were several cars and some of them could not move and I was leaving without any problems, and even then tow them through the snow. Summing winter tyre best I've ever had. Read more Collapse
On tyres rode 2 seasons so far and for me a revelation. Especially in the snow - grip knocks. I can not compare the winter tyres special but after the change of the summer I was shocked when snowstorms so that the car can probably stick to the road! The girl is also in a Peugeot Frigo 2 - there are better exercises - perhaps the car has better suspension simply. Read more Collapse
A tire designed for driving in snow and mud, ideal for driving in town- on the route can "swing" from side to side, good traction on dry, wet little worse for but it is still much better than the competition from China / Korea. Previously, I had them too and decided to buy them again. For this money you will not find a better winter tires. Read more Collapse
I think the tires Debica Frigo2 very well meet its technical characteristics and performance. In all conditions both on the surface dry and wet characterized by good adhesion and retain all of the time up to a good value. In my opinion Frigo2 tires are one of the best tires on the market. In operation maintain their properties at the highest level. Read more Collapse
Michał Popek
I am very happy with the tires, if I had to buy it again I would definitely buy Frigo 2. very good ride comfort, the snow and on dry asphalt exercised very well, a little less wet surfaces (when I wanted to quickly get out of a junction is to slip a little bit), but the inhibition was not any problems. I think I can honestly recommend these tires;) Read more Collapse
I'm pleased. Good value for money. Well exercised during the past two winters, both in deep snow (also on field and forest roads), as well as mud and wet. On the dry it was fine. They may not be the best quality, but in good conscience I can recommend it to all those who run several miles a day on average, both the city and beyond. Give advice! Read more Collapse
Riding in Norway where most drivers drive the spikes so it is noisy and the massacre at frigo fly like summer in the winter :) He drives very comfortably. I bought previously retreaded tyres and tread very regretted because it was abnormally high, and the rubbing of plastki bends and for this they were very loud the choice is obvious Frigo rules Read more Collapse
So far, the tire buying various foreign companies, guided by the principle that produced the west will be better than the domestic product. I was wrong. I thing that nowadays the technology used in the production are practically the same. Furthermore, we believe that our company (most of them are subsidiaries of well-known companies) more try. Read more Collapse
It's difficult to give an opinion about the tyres, which were defeated just 2-3 thousand km. However, their behavior in the way I would like assessed as very good for the price. No problem traveling in snowy hills, etc. strongly As good braking, good traction on icy roads. As for the price for cars that do not travel too often to invest. Read more Collapse
Tires operate in harsh countryside, where winter road maintenance is none or very late. Great proven themselves at this year's icing and now the snow. Every morning commute to work and the type of tread proven to be the best of the previously used. Tire produced in Poland for Polish conditions and price tailored to Polish realities. Read more Collapse
Kazik Spała
I'm happy with these tyres. You do not see excessive wear on them after 3 winters. B. do well in a big snow. He never "buried". Worse is the inhibition, but who needs good tyre braking, like leaving the house: P There was a problem with balance. Another set of how I used to buy it or it will be Debica. I would recommend. Read more Collapse
Astra II 1.6 16v
Very good relation price / quality. Tyre most correct. The previous car I had also Frigo2. The snow revelation, only in the wet is weaker. Very decent tyre at a low price. Assessment of the average consumption for przejeżdzily one winter and sold the car. In this car, I bet you do not already, because Debica not produce in this size. Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 2/5
Two seasons have already passed. Every day 60 km commute to work by car. Never had any problems with them. Never once buried in the winter. According to me they are OK, but I have no comparison to other new tyres (previously ridden only used or tinctures, so comparing them is pointless, because you know that the new will be better). Read more Collapse
Debica like Poland and here, however, the Turkish production. Maybe I not read that to be Turkish, perhaps written in small print, but next time I'll check exactly where it was produced - the only downside of the tire. Though not yet ridden in the snow. So I do not know how to get on it writes, but in the wet like most about. Read more Collapse
Jarek T
I have the impression that the change of tires from summer to winter boosted car like some mass - you have to press the brake harder right to be slowed down. In addition, the tires quite good - there was no problem with them in dry and wet conditions. And when it comes to snow I do not know, because this winter it almost was not Read more Collapse
Despite the lack of winter tires in my area were tested in mountainous areas. Both in the Owl Mountains and around our beautiful Tatra Mountains. There was plenty of snow. Say with full responsibility that have passed the test and even led the Dębiec from now is a brand with which I am not going to part. I would recommend !!! Read more Collapse
Ania Kamińska
I bought these tires and I am one mega happy, well stick to the road no matter whether it is wet or dry pavement, do not make noise, and as for the price I expected that there may be a lousy these tires but strongly was surprised because they are simply sensational. We would recommend these tires for the undecided. Regards! Read more Collapse
Seba BB
I made 10 thousand km, mid-range tyre leads to good in a straight line braking on compacted snow and moving the snow may be the only concerns are driving in curves and turns, and the slush, in these conditions, it was really dangerous and you need to have high skill in order to maintain these conditions established track. Read more Collapse
The grip on snow and slush 2/5
I recommend tyres- Debica Frigo 2 195 \ 65 R15- as for the price of about 165zł. The snow very good exercise, hockey stick a little worse, very good resistance to abrasion. For comparison, also bought tires in the same year Hancook RS W442- on ice much better than Debica Frigo 2, but the price has increased about 20 PLN. Read more Collapse
I would recommend tires Debica Frigo2. I have been going through difficult mountainous terrain, where it is not always cleared of snow and ice often encountered on the road. These tires have never failed me, and I passed cars in ditches already have been expelled from the corners. I'm on their tyres always drove. Read more Collapse
Szlagor Jarosław
I am a supporter of these tires I have them for 2 years on the wheels of Ford, and previously also two years in another car was using to good effect in winter conditions. but after winter I just stole it from the basement after the break where it was stored. After the season, and again the model I bought a second time. Read more Collapse
Hello. Tires great for snow and ice. With wet snow and mud is also a great deal. Much worse is dry and especially in the wet. I have another car with a 3 year old winter tyres competition and on wet roads ABS with normal use there is nothing to do. When Debica hard work. But the snow is second to none in this price range. Read more Collapse
In dry conditions or in the snow, these tires excel pretty decent. Their Achilles heel is driving the downpour, when on the road facing the water. Then feel uncomfortable lack of adhesion. However, for this price you can not require anything. Tires remarkable when we do not have the budget for something more expensive. Read more Collapse
Tires in great cenie.Miałem already have it in the Opel and is checked the even under severe conditions (mud, snow) .I am very happy, whether dry or wet pavement rewelacyjnie.Co stick it to the noise it can always be quieter but with the tire for 1000 zł too, so you can powiedzieć.Podsumowując Super price and quality. Read more Collapse
Debica used tyres in his car for 10 years and I find them to be very good for average operating conditions and moderate speed and focus I prefer driving for years, because of the type of car, "Lanos 1.6" and my rural emerytalny.Uwazam a recommendable because of the quality, durability and reasonable price. Read more Collapse
Debica is a good company. Frigo already ridden and on Passjo never had an accident. Walk in the snow winter tires on tracks like always I leave with drifts'm not afraid to rough terrain buried in snow. During the summer, also had no problem either with braking or skidding. I was simply not Debica such events. Read more Collapse
Robert Boniecki
perfect for snow tires, great stretch when the road is white (I live in the mountains), except that in general is good, I've had before and I was just as pleased as now, and the value for money is probably the best on the market, the only drawback is durability - quickly tread wears off when there is no snow. Read more Collapse
High quality tires as prices in the area. If you appreciate the comfort and safety and do not have a thick wallet, these donuts are right for you. Personally, I am very pleasantly surprised by the quality of the tires is valuable. Soon he wants to order donuts summer from the same manufacturer. 100% satisfaction. Read more Collapse
These tyres are designed for snow in the mountains. I live in Podhale and I know that other tyres in the snow does not stand a chance! Appearance-average, comfort-very good, low abrasion. For there is no better snow tyres! Longer on dry asphalt but no less wrong. Overall I would recommend to extreme conditions. Read more Collapse
Zbyszek Kuś
Why overpay, since for small money get tires with very good performance, which just like the competition works perfectly on the road. All in all, it's my third set of tires Debica Frigo 2 (in cars I've had) and I really do not see the need to change to other, more expensive, "like better" ... Read more Collapse
I am happy with them and see how they will continue to sprawowały.Generalnie tyre recommendable, as to its abrasiveness is hard for me to evaluate this property after niceałych 10000 km. I did not see much use, maybe it depends on how you drive and the amount of kilometers driven, in fact they look like new. Read more Collapse
Tires throughout the winter were flawless, they respond very well to sudden braking or the appearance of glaciation on the road. When the surface was dry, they also did quite well, they did not make excessive noise. You could feel a slight increase in fuel consumption compared to summer, but not significant. Read more Collapse
Szymon Kurzep
I would recommend winter tires with good traction Debica in the snow, I have them in two cars with different powers + still in the car company mainly ride through the village and give advice. On dry loud, in a wet as not buried in them never. And sometimes I leave before the plow goes - do not judge failure. Read more Collapse
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