Uniroyal RainExpert

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Uniroyal RainExpert

tyre tests Uniroyal RainExpert:





Auto Bild 195/65 R15 satisfactory -





AUTO Straßenverkehr 195/65 R15 good 3
Scale of scores: Highest lowest

Information on the tyre: A the name suggests, Uniroyal RainExpert is an expert at driving in the rain. The tyre shows an excellent behaviour on wet surfaces and its most important features include short braking distance and an extended lifespan. The excellent performance on wet roads is due to the advanced directional ‘V’ tread pattern which enables the tyre to drain water quickly in wet conditions. These specifications not only minimise the risk of aquaplaning but keep the vehicle stable, responding to wheel movements instantaneously.

Another very important tread element is the special notches located on the blocks. This is the component that ensures a short braking distance and the appropriate stiffness of the tyre. The element that ensures its long life and provides the driver with the possibility to achieve high mileage with a single set of tyres is the balanced structure of the tyre. Thanks to this, the tyre has good grip and is also characterised by a high wear resistance. The tyre is equipped with a special wear indicator, which makes it easier for the driver to easily spot when a tyre needs to be replaced.

The tyre's performance is guaranteed by the manufacturer and is successfully verified in tests carried out by automotive organisations and magazines. Uniroyal is a valued tyre company famous for the production of excellent quality rain tyres and RainExpert is one of their flagship models. Uniroyal tyres are manufactured based on high technologies, meaning that they can boast great quality.

Information on the manufacturer: The technologies used to produce Uniroyal tyres partly derive from the experience of Continental, the German group that owns Uniroyal. Continental is one of the world's largest manufacturers of top-class tyres and the undisputed leader of tyre manufacturing in Europe. Their tyres are fitted as standard on BMW, Ford, Porsche, Daimler AG or General Motors vehicles. The company has been active since 1871 and owns such tyre companies as Uniroyal, Barum, Semperit, General Tire and Viking.

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Uniroyal RainExpert

4.4 Average rating on the performance
  • 4.4/5 Dry surface
  • 4.6/5 Wet surface
97% customers recommend this tyre
510 reviews
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  • 3
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  • 1
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We are collecting information about this tyre from
5861 Days

During this time, we have collected
510 reviews

Our customers have driven on these tyres 4789000 km

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  • Results : 510 of 510 reviews

    185/65 R14

    Verified review

    Opinion from outside the UK

    When buying Uniroyal set I didn’t believe in its special properties. Quite dry summer didn’t let me to check them at supreme conditions. It showed me that Uniroyal RainExpert is doing quite well. Maybe a bit louder but great comfort of using Ford Focus on the road. Also a casual drive through wilderness and muddy terrain during the summer vacation didn’t cause Uniroyal to lose its grip ( maybe it’s the tires quality that I didn’t need heavy vehicle to get me out of mud ). With the beginning of autumn I have more and more occasions to verify what this tyre is capable of. I can’t tell the difference between wet and dry road handling. Reducing the braking distance by couple of feet does make a difference while driving in rain through the city and moving with no aquaplaning is pure pleasure. I will see Uniroyals next season will the increased grip affect on tyre’s durability. Uniroyal RainExpert is the tyre I’d clearly recommend especially to those who care about safety of driving in heavy rain and who don’t want to pay extra for more expensive tyres of brand manufacturers. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 2


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/80 R13

    Verified review

    Opinion from outside the UK

    UniroyalRainExpert is not a very expensive tyre but the price in that cqase has no influence on their quality. I compare them to Pirelli p300 which I had in my FiatPanda. It is almost imposible to break the grip when moving-off, but when it happens I can see only a tiny squeak and the grip is immediately back. When driving on wet up-hill its is very hard to lose the grip as well (even when you put the pedal to the metal). Very good cornering. I drove into a 90 degrees corner with 50MMPH with my Fiat Panda and tyres only gave me a tiny squeak that I am a bit too fast :) braking on wet is the same as on dry road. Very good tyres. I can definitely recommend them. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/80 R14

    Verified review

    Really great tyres for rainy and sunny days, don't have chances to try it on snow, but fantastic tyres for weather in UK. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Amon g.

    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R15

    Verified review

    Good tyre for adverse conditions, I use them on Car Trials as well as on road, give good grip. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Alfa Romeo 145 Hatchback I 1.8 (103kW)

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Andy Classix

    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I have Seicento 1.1 Uniroyal at 55km + is a small, agile and lively toy car. Every day, covering around 60 km in the city and along the route. Speeds often reach those necessary for the rapid movement. tyres quiet, very well remove water. No problem with the car swim in the larger "flooded" ruts. As for grip on wet practically do not notice the difference compared to dry. Out of curiosity, when was checking lose their grip during fast curves, and I did not think that this boundary moves so far compared to the previous tires (Debica). If already slipping occurs then it is controlled. I am not so happy as surprised! When braking with ABS there is no such thing as suddenly blocking the wheels. I recommend these tires with a clear conscience and I do not think he was meaning to buy a more expensive premium tire. I have 2 family car (over 240 km) and wonder over the purchase Uniroyali for next season. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    1 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I switched to the old 11 year GoodYearów that were impossible to wear out. They were, however, a major drawback, they were damn hard (on a dry bomb) and damn slippery in the wet (for their merit had three bells). I decided to change it to something rainy lubnego and the decision fell on the Uniroyal RainExpert. People my car fully predictable, skids when accelerating, braking and sharp curves can be felt before it is too late. The hard tires break traction comes suddenly and usually with poor results. The RainExpertach can feel a slight swimming in tight maneuvers, but after a soft tire and it must be so. In return, I have more confidence, especially in the wet, dirty, or the way the morning and I go a little slower :) I do not know how to behave in a car, but to Seiczaka and kids like to find. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    Fiat Seicento Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 1


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tires on the first impression Very good, line specially created for the rainy conditions. While the dry well behaved and time loss of adhesion was well recognized, both when accelerating and cornering quickly overcome, unfortunately in wet conditions drama. The wet tire on my car almost did not allow to move. Any attempt to disperse the gas with the addition of a strong finishing wheel slide - and it's very surprising, particularly at the entrances to the intersection. Braking and cornering in the wet they were no longer a problem, and the draining of water in the puddles - exemplary. Winter conditions would advise to steer clear of a wide berth and change the tires beforehand. After about a year, on my own, feeling the performance on dry deteriorated - tire started to let go a lot faster. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Daewoo Matiz Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    1 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I would definitely recommend these tires! I am after one season. The dry and wet roads the car rides like glued to the surface. No skid when cornering, braking or aquaplaning even with quite a speed. Yet I did not tire of such driving performance on wet roads. Even sliding up very quickly in a large puddle does not precipitate out of the path of the vehicle. As for the noise my car itself produces a lot of noise :) so it's hard to say how much the tire merit, but much quieter than winter tires. I feel safe on these tires, on wet revelation, the dry well, do not squeal on sharp turns taken, there is no fault anything. What to look ... a matter of taste, I make them look responsible, and not look to ride :) To sum should buy these tires. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Nissan Micra Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I the tank in a first vehicle and a second, but in another, larger size. Overall, I'm very happy! Girl riding the less - as well. If anyone is looking for the right tires for a reasonable price, I recommend Uniroyal. Very well whizzing on wet and stick to your path. This tire is designed for wet conditions! According to me is the most important parameter. On dry it is ok, I do not feel any discomfort when driving. Tested at "normal" speed, without unnecessary motorway madness. In the second car I have them already 2 season - the tread looks like new. Do not wear off as quickly as many times more expensive from another shelf League. In summary durable tire for a few seasons! I would recommend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Daniel S.

    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Great tyres are great rides, beautiful look. Braking in wet 40 meters is an absolute record. In a dry, the more bald tyre that has more grip but the most important thing for me is the effectiveness of the wet. Great tyre drains water and is quite soft. I hope I will not be quickly wears and ride it at least 40-50 thousand km. So far I do not go above 160 km / h because of the new tread would soon wears. In the second car, also I have Uniroyal and I am delighted. Here in Poland quite often falls heavily on these tyres and I'm going stress and comfortable, especially in the corners. This is without a doubt the best tyres I could find, and on top of our neighbors made the Czechs. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Very good tires for decent money. Previously bought Dębica Passio 2, the first year was ok, but then hardened rubber and on a slippery surface (wet) spun in place. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS reasons I was forced to replace almost worn tires with new ones. This is, however, another class. I've always been a supporter of Polish products, but tires ębicy no longer buy. I failed miserably at them. A pity, because I would rather pay a production company in Poland and employing Poles. I recommend shopping at Oponeo reception at the point of installation - complete professionalism! I I installed tires in Batis in Belchatow. Super, I would recommend this workshop. Cheap and professionally. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Opel Astra Sedan

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tires exercise great. I drive mostly in the city but also sometimes in rural areas, bezasfaltowych. Certainly better to exercise in the city but I can not complain, and the inferior surface. On old tires I happened moments "swim" especially at faster speeds. These tires, however, exercised a great time and if someone hesitates, it should not. Whether the surface is dry or wet - generally no difference. The downside may be the volume, because they are certainly not the quietest tires but I just do not mind it. I do not see the difference (compared to my old tires) when it comes to the level of fuel combustion. Generally I am on YES and recommend indecisive Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Great tyre .... Wet keeps the same as in the dry, so far not been able to observe the phenomenon of aquaplaning, only in water depths greater than 15 cm, and how the ruts and puddles deep roadside ... the tyre is made of a softer compound than others, but it does not translate to wear, because I have 10 thousand. miles they drove and do not see that somehow particularly clashed. What a comfort it is to tyre slightly louder than others, but in the newer cars will not feel it is due to a better cabin soundproofing and for older cars is the price worth paying for the grip and confidence. Best value for money. I recommend! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    These tires are bought with a view to traction on wet surfaces. So far, I've used Debica and it was not able to sometimes move on and tread he was not worn out. When Uniroyal is not possible "smoking gum" my car. He immediately grabs traction and no problem moving from place even in the pouring rain. I would heartily recommend to anyone who has a problem with driving off due to tire slippage. In addition we had with the girl twice a trip to the sea, including once during a pretty good downpour. Car not cast even a sharper cornering at speeds of about 90km -130 on the highway. Revelation. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Seat Toledo Sedan

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    After buying the car I bought these tyres used (6letnie). They were excellent - no reason to to be picky. 2 years ago I bought new tyres. I behave differently than the previous one. First of all, they are very soft (two mechanics told me that the first time they had met with such a soft rubber). And these are high-profile tyres, the cornering feel that the car "floats" (I have a smooth suspension). When it comes to braking and driving in the rain, they are pretty decent. Also, I'm not, whether they recommend it or not - maybe you just came from a series of bad. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Great product our Czech neighbors! Long szulałam tires that are well exercised in Polish conditions. There will be low-cost, yet comprehensive. Conditions are usually heavy, wet and damp, slippery surface as the fish belly, and these tires have made driving a car has become a pleasure. No hydroplaning, great writer to auto road curves, no uncontrolled slip, it's just some of the advantages. In addition, low rolling resistance and low abrasion. Recommend to users both in the city and the road. And the same fuel consumption has dropped by about 0.5 l/100 km. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Daewoo Matiz Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Anna Maria

    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Great tyre for wet surfaces. Drains water very well, even in deep puddles, feel virtually nothing. Quiet, pleasant to drive. There is no problem, or the start or braking (in a car without ABSu and ASRu). Minus tyres, its softness - the tread and the profile is softer than the winter Debica Ceat `a - sides can without exerting excessive force push your finger, so I suspect that it's easy to raise. The second criticism is the behavior of the dry, hot, especially very flat surface - you get the impression "escape" the car. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I purchased the enhanced version of the tyre, size 175x70R14. Delivery van tyres fitted in the Berlingo in 2004 Due to the nature of the car, it is difficult to assess such things as comfort, rolling resistance, noise, etc. But in terms of behavior on dry and wet roads, etc. I wear a flawless tyres. Are maintained at high pressure, particularly on the rear axle (about 2.8 - 2.9 bar). I have not used tyres in the winter (for winter are "winter tyres), so it is difficult to determine their behavior in the snow. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The rain very well hold - in virtually any situation. Perhaps stability when driving over a puddle due to the size of the tires, but I had already been in contact with the tires a much worse reaction. In the days warm look a little like "slippers", but I did not notice a significant increase in fuel consumption. can about 0.1 l. In general, it was an experiment with Uniroyal - it turned out that quite successful. I wonder what will happen to wear out more - such as the 2.3 season. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Seat Ibiza Hatchback IV 1.4 16V (55kW)

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R15

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    In my tires Uniroyal Rain Expert excel in principle just as well on dry and wet roads. They give a sense of security when driving both in the city and on the highway. I drove on them so far about 5,000 km and I do not see any signs of wear. I do not feel discomfort due to tire noise. When it comes to rolling resistance, I think that the slightly increased fuel consumption, but not more than 0.3 l/100 km. Value for money I think is very good. With a clear conscience recommend these tires! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Citroen Xsara Picasso Van

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The tires are ideal in our climate, where is the advantage of rainy days and rainy. Very well disperse water and the wet you can really feel safe. Passed the fighting in the drive through flooded village (water to 1/3 height of the wheels). With dry conditions also did not make trouble. At very high heat perceptible light "swimming". Carefully cornering. But in all conditions must be conducted with a sense of self. Woman gives a sense of security in difficult (wet) conditions. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Seat Ibiza Hatchback IV 1.4 16V (74kW)

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Lidka W.

    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Very good tire. I bought the recommendation of my brother and I have no regrets. Superb traction on wet roads - it's probably the best thing about this tire (especially considering our climate). We use them now in two cars in the family and as long as there is no reason to complain. These tires are well worth the price. They are quiet, superbly hold the wet, not too over-priced for the handling. Overall, I recommend them to anyone looking for a good choice for a reasonable price. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    Daewoo Matiz Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tire bought in early spring. After 4 months of use, the positives are: good grip in the dry and in the rain, inequality dampens tire well - but it's 65 or rather should be no different. The disadvantage is the volume of the tank - I have driven 4kkm and above 110 km / h starts to be louder than my previous Dunlopów SP30. And now about the compatibility of the product with a photo - the size 165 tire tread is not the center of the linear portion. Overall, I can recommend the tire. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Ford Focus Kombi I 1.8 TDDi

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Since the beginning of the tire performed very well. And even though I set them even in winter (late March) were doing it properly even at temperatures around zero degrees. RainExpert s are so much better than the previous one in that car hated and unpredictable in the wet Continental EcoContact. Ecocontakt s are very durable, after a few seasons were still about 3 mm tread but are not suitable for wet weather. But RainExpert s great run regardless of the weather. Yours. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Opel Corsa Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Long wondered what tyres to choose from whom to buy because I knew - it was not the first purchase of the company. I drive almost 30 years, but after the founding of the tyres I was very pleasantly surprised during the first braking on wet pavement-without slipping and turning the ABS-u.Żeby was interesting, it did not change them for winter tyres and noticed no difference in the behavior of the vehicle way. There was a problem with moving my in the snow. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Obserwator O/S

    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Super tire. The wet excel SIA great, I load up the puddles and nothing. Previously I had Debica, it sometimes I almost stopped the. For this the Debica nearly deaf and those are very quiet. These were two reasons why I decided to buy these tires. In the summer on dry roads at higher speeds to feel their hardness, sometimes in the heat of "strange" I was going. As if to slip. But overall very good. I am very zadowolna. I highly recommend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Opel Corsa Hatchback B 1.0

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tires as the most recommendable for those who enjoy moderate riding are just right. In Poland we have depending on the region of 30-37 days full of sunshine, the rest are cloudy days with the possibility of precipitation, so RainExperty May what to do. Value for the security they offer is really at a good level. I ride well on MS plus 6 in the winter and say that slush - and this trash I have the most - they are probably the best. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    Toyota Corolla Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tires bought the second car, the first founded Rain Expert 3. After the first period of use confirm the positive reviews - tires perform well on dry conditions and very well in the rain. The wife happy - as a woman - in the nose has tread pattern, opinions and the like crap. He drives her well, super car brakes, accelerates (hihi, the Corsa 1.0!) And leads confident in the wet. So, I confirm the positive feedback and recommend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    Opel Corsa Hatchback B 1.0

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    After the first you drive in the rain if only I had the impression I was pouring water fountain on the wheel arches as well remove water, the dry it's quiet and I can not say anything bad I'm not a rally driver too so I do not know as much as I know only the good holds on curves, abrasion to the acceptance , workout them in the Toyota Corolla and I know that next to another car Toyota corolla will also Uniroyal-e. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R15

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I think the tyre is really great and sensational even in the rain - I happened to enter the very large and deep puddles and wheel slip does not enter. What to wear: after about 10 - 12 thousand. km it seems to me that not too much of it disappeared (normal wear shoes), so I do not know why some people complain about - if you drive it and the tread wears. When buying tyres again I would definitely be interested. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    Citroen Xsara Picasso Van

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    tyres bought "blind" based on the opinions of Internet users with the intent to travel to Croatia on holiday, and a very pleasant surprise-founded in Skoda Fabia performs sensationally burning on the route is 4.5 liters as the behavior in curves and on winding mountain roads without reservation directly perfect revelation on tour but also for short distances with a lot of braking and stopping. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R15

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tire recommendable - low price lured me to her choice albeit a very positive surprise in the wet nawierzchn.i On a dry little glośnawa, but maybe my subjective feeling. So far, no traces of wear, but it is only 3000 km so we'll see. Previously I had klebery and completely at Daytona and have uniroyal! With a clear conscience I can recommend above all the relationship price quality and safety Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Renault Scenic Van

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Jakub Pabianice

    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R15

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I decided on the tyres due to the opinions of other users. I needed a tyre that will be good in the wet, because previously on several different types and brands of disappointed. Now ride the ruts filled with water on our wonderful roads not already wakes such emotions, because the water is well drained. A dry well is doing very well. A fully successful purchase. Worth every dollar you spend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R15

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Very good tires checking for the assumption in the wet, but dry and do very well. I do not have any problem with them. Wear after 1 season is minimal, and the growth or a significant decrease in fuel consumption when changing from the previous not noticed. Economically they are at a level acceptable to me. The second car also founded the same Uniroyal so in good conscience recommend it! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Volvo V40 Kombi

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Price tires is attractive. What tires are checked it on dry and wet roads. When braking from 100km / h in dry conditions tire not for a moment lose their grip. Likewise, the wet (braked from 70km / h). I would add that the car does not have ABS system. Of course, these are not the tires for aggressive driving, but getting around the city / route is perfect for me (as for this price) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Renault Thalia Sedan I 1.4 (55kW)

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres are performing very well especially in the wet nawieżchni. Cornering, riding in Polish "gutters" on these tyres is not a problem. On the issue of attrition is hard for me to say something after 10 thousand. kilometów. Recommendable tyres in this price class. Especially useful for people with a lot riding on the areas where there are frequent rain. Regards, widths! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    VW Polo Classic

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I did on these tyres 53 thousand. km. Since June last year, the Opel Astra station wagon, did not change for winter tyres and the lajcie gave advice. On the ice is not too much, but the splashes and snow quietly give advice. Signs of wear after such little mileage in the rain revelation. I really am very glad I bought it now Opel Sintra and I buy them too. I am very happy :) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tires great exercise on dry and wet roads (I do not have ABS!). Ideal "hold" track cornering. For a simple really need to use much force to lock the wheels, they are like "glued" to the surface (there is no comparison to a tire of our "leading" brand!). Reveal its advantages especially on wet asphalt. Confirm the results of the ADAC tire test. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Fiat Punto Hatchback II 1.2

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Very good tires, excellent excel both on dry and wet roads. After driving more than 2 thousand. miles. there is no trace of them even wear pattern on tires though can cause an optical illusion that the tire is inflated. Their only drawback is that they are quite loud, but if someone does not prevent them ideal tire well holding the car on the road. I would recommend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Ford Focus Sedan

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Behind me two longer trips. Krakow - Międzywodzie there and back and a few on the line the A4 Krakow - Katowice - Opole and Wroclaw. The city mostly Krakow. Tires never once lost their grip, and sometimes nonchalant in the rain to take a turn. When starting even in the wet slip to zero. Tires fairly quiet, and after about 4 thousand. kilometers you do not see wear. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Mazda 323 F

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Very good tires at an attractive price, short deceleration time, overall I'm happy. The only thing I could find fault, the soft tread, but it's a question of visual. It looks like a slightly under-inflated, drives up the compressor and it turns out that the pressure in the normal range. I hope that this is not some her fault. Perhaps in time to get used to. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Honda Civic Hatchback VII 1.4iS (4/100)

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    tyres very well exercised both on dry and wet roads. They were also tested in field conditions - slushy sand, mud and large I say that as the size of the tyres and drive only on one axis, I'm very pleasantly surprised! Sometimes it pays to throw some tyres 20-30 zł compared to the lowest and have a high level of safety ...! I would definitely recommend :-) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Renault Kangoo Rapid

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    This is my first snow of the company, but I see that I made a very good choice. Driving a car brand Opel Corsa provides many new experiences aids and vehicle behavior. In a word, quietly and safely. I expect a good mileage and safe behavior in a slightly worse driving conditions such as rain and wet roads. Worse roads should not be an obstacle for those tires. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    Opel Corsa Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I can recommend with a clear conscience, even though I made them only as far as 5000 km.Są quiet and very well hold the corners but the follies of Punto forget it. The rain also rewelka though I only compare Firestonami. Also, long-dressed, but your comments have convinced me and I do not regret. The only disadvantage is that when starting breaks dry traction. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 215/60 R17

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Like the extra tyre in the rankings, but I've never seen such a soft tyre sides! Definitely not I would take if I touch them. I'm not surprised at all that the English-speaking stronkach meets the balloons formed opinions on bokoach these tyres, and even break while driving. I note, however, that riding on it too short to do anything serious to write. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Harry Potter

    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Change of Barum Brillantis 2, a pleasant surprise as the difference in grip, running and maintaining a car can provide replacement tyres. Previous have not been worn, just mediocre. I was looking for civilian tyres at an affordable price, the route and any weather, I've found. I ride in the rain a lot more confident in the corners the difference is huge. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I had different tires, but after the purchase of the Tyre 100% satisfaction quiet holds up very well both wet and dry surfaces (I live in mountainous terrain and I have no problem with crawling uphill and there are some) I have .Już summer and winter .When ślizgawicy my wife on these tires coped well, also bought tires to the car my wife. Tire 6-tuple. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Daewoo Lanos Sedan I 1.5

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tires are awesome! Before I bought them in the spring, "was coming" winter tires, which behaved worse than summer tires! I'll say this, when the warm spring days, I moved on winter tires on wet surfaces, wheels buksowały. On these tires, despite many efforts, I could not zabuksować wheels. Cornering a razor. I hope as long as possible. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    Renault Clio Hatchback III 1.5 dCi

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Wojciech K.

    over 2 years ago
  • 185/60 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    In moderate driving decided that mostly depends on my good performance on wet roads (on dry all tyres are good enough). It turned out to be a good solution, as it very well stick to the road in the rain. The volume level is bearable and, for example, compared to Polish tyres are heard. That moves well, good brakes, tyre stiffness could be more ... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Long wondered what tires to buy. I studied online forums, various tests, etc. Tire Super keeps you dry - in the wet it just a fairy tale (I do not have ABS, has not happened to me yet interlocked wheels and lead to slip as much when accelerating, meet up nice) We'll see how the abrasion. At the moment 100% successful purchase recommend!! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    Audi 80 Sedan

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
Prices and sizes Uniroyal RainExpert



Available sizes and variants
14" 4 sizes available
  • Tyre name:
  • Delivery:
  • Price per unit:
  • Quantity:

Delivery 2-3 working days

70 £

Last 3 pcs. Next from 0 £/pcs.

Delivery 2-3 working days

96 £

Delivery 2-3 working days

87 £

Delivery 2-3 working days

88 £

Last 3 pcs. Next from 0 £/pcs.

17" 1 size available
  • Tyre name:
  • Delivery:
  • Price per unit:
  • Quantity:

Delivery 2-3 working days

108 £
* List price - the price set by the manufacturer, before discounts are applied, is the price calculation between the manufacturer and the distributor. It is not the selling price to the consumer. The list price is only available for selected products.

Uniroyal RainExpert Tyre warranty

  • You have a 7-year warranty from the date of purchase or until the limit tread wear is reached (whichever comes first),
  • Warranty covers defects in design, materials and workmanship,
  • You can file complaints at ASO (for original equipment tires), authorized warranty service centers and tire purchase points,
  • If the defect is revealed within 2 years from the date of sale, your tire will be replaced with a new one or you will receive a refund,
  • If the defect becomes apparent later than 2 years from the date of sale, you will receive a refund of part of the cost depending on the wear of the tire or a subsidy for the purchase of new tires from that manufacturer.
  • Free delivery

  • Tyre fitting service

  • Over 7 million customers