Nokian Tyres WR - User reviews

Peti tebouche1968


Excellent handling on snow and ice. Very short braking and no skid deplore in winter conditions winter tires highly recommended ..

Additional information

Distance made:2000 - 5000 miles
Place of use:city only
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance1
Frequent failuresYes
Feathering, durability4
Purchase of Nokian WR made by the opinions of other buyers. Delivery on time, before the final order 2-fold change tyres (without any comments from the seller). The Nokian WR tyres are very soft, nice driving, choose low inequality (women will notice the difference). when changing paving audible difference. When driving at 100mph noise level is acceptable (I would say comparable to the summer). on a wet road on which there is a freeze on winter sometimes they like to spin at startup or braking. When driving on gaps at 90mph vehicle has not stabile impression, but they are very soft so very good on wet and you can drive without changing directions and jerking the wheel, unless you drive to a deep puddle then jerk, but the car does not lose too much traction. Overall Im very happy with the Nokian WR tyre its a very good choice for the money,I can easily recommend the Nokian WR.

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000 miles
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
For a long time holding myself from giving an opinion on the Nokian tyres, which I use because I did not feel like an expert in this area. To date, I was using Goodyear tyres and Firestone, Nokian WR was economic choice was therefore not counted on anything special. But it turned out that I was wrong, the tyres are very good. I worked out of town so the daily commute in very different weather conditions is for me the best exponent of their assets. It even happened that when reversing I drove back to the mound of snow. To pull of it my friends suggested to use the tractor, but when the tractor arrived I already went out off the snow. So thats about the behavior of these tyres in the snow. As for the advertising text that suggests their good behavior on the ice, I had to immediately place it between the fairy tale - they are not that good.But I can still recommend these tyres.

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000 miles
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Nokian WR on dry - without reservation - very good, as the winter tyre in this size . On the wet I have no comment, pays well, it does not pulls to the sides, on snow there is a problem - the assumption I could not slide but Id like to ;-) .They are much better then my previous Dunlops. On ice without spikes is all crap. Less noisy than my previous tyres (some Michelin, Firestone). Overall, I didnt drove enough on Nokians WR to assess, but so far no signs of wear (a need to assess ...). Overall, I can highly recommend the tyre as this is very good choice for that price.

Additional information

Distance made:2000 - 5000 miles
Place of use:city only
Driving style:fast and dynamic
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
I bought the Nokian WR after much thought but the year earlier I took the summer Nokians to the car that was going to sell after a year. It turned out that the tyres beats Continentals that I had earlier on wheels. I drive calm but quickly. First impressions very good for the money - direct revelation. Correct and safe behavior on dry and wet roads, wet dramatically inhibited the highway at a speed of about 120mph (temperature around +1) - no problems. Departure of the drifts - smoothly and easily, in the snow, both loose and solid after a sharp acceleration in second gear wheel tow slightly but not completely lose their grip. Comfort OK. If you want some good tyres for a good price - this is it. Previously I used winter tyres like Kleber, Uniroyal, Dunlop and Viking,but Nokian does not disappear like a more famous brands so they are worth to recommend.I can describe their impressions after the season because after 1000miles it is not a complete picture. But I feel that the choice was correct and I can highly recommend the Nokian .

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000 miles
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Nokian WR are the second model from Nokian which I tested during the winter. I did not test the first model for a long time, because I sold my car just after winter begun. I drove on these tyres a while and I am not disappointed so far. In the meantime I had a few emergency brake - left without a problem, probably because I drove on Nokian WR. I believe that this is the optimal choice between safety and cost of tyres. As for my car, which is a little overgrown power of the weight, it was impossible to keep it perfectly. I would like to recommend these tyres to others. Please note, if you do not like too much noise maybe you should consider different tyres.

Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000 miles
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Nokian WR is really worth recommendation. On dry surfaces Nokians are absolutely splendid. The tyre is very quiet tyre comparing it to the other winter tyres. When I went for a trip in the mountains, it was not necessary to recourse chains, although some cars in the driveways do not pull through. I have no doubts to tread weare. The only thing to which I could attach it braking on wet surface, but if you do not choke when starting the pedal to the floor and the problem disappears. Price for Nokian is also competitive, and I can recommend these tyres to all drivers without any doubts!

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000 miles
Place of use:city only
Driving style:fast and dynamic
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface3
The grip on snow and slush4
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5
I bought Nokian WR because there was temporary lack of the winter tyres which I ordered previously. Nokian WR were more expensive but I get some discount. Despite initial concerns after driving first few miles, I am glad to confirm that Nokian WR are much more quiet than Firestone summer tyres! I am not an expert but in my private opinion about Nokian WR is very high. Nokian WR sticks to the road even on snow and wet surface. If you are looking for a very good tyre for the reasonalbe price, I would fully recommend Nokian WR for winter tyres.

Additional information

Distance made:10000 - 15000 miles
Place of use:in terrain + in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
The Nokian WR tyre is an outstanding value for money!. Proven in the mountains, chilled and deep snow, thick slush, wet and dry. Compared to Eagle UG GW3 much better in the snow. Very stable, manageable and predictable. Accelerating, the change of direction on uneven surfaces ( such as overtaking on the snow ) without surprises.Driving thru very deep snow on Nokian WR? - do not worry,no problem to drove off. It is not too loud, but not the quietest aswell, especially in the wet.I can easily recommend the Nokian WR tyre.

Additional information

Distance made:2000 - 5000 miles
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


Great tyres in all conditions, for the price I think it is hard to do better. does not make them appear to be either wet or snowy surface. Inhibited the crash of hundreds on dry - abs joined minimal. Traction is very difficult to break the grip. but the best of their properties can be seen in the snow and slush - even hard cast on the hand back. Noise and normal attrition. Highly recommended also for organic production process.

Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000 miles
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Total rating of the tyre