The motorcycle season gets under way every spring, always bringing a crop of new two-wheeler enthusiasts with it. It is also when many existing motorbike owners hop on their bikes and get back on the roads.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced rider, you may need some clarification about different kinds of tyres. With numerous types of motorcycle tyres available on the market, it might be confusing what kinds serve for what machines and riding styles.
Based on how you use your motorbike and what exactly you are looking for, we have compiled this guide which presents different motorbike tyre options according to usage.

The basics of choosing the right motorbike tyres
Superfast motorcycle racing tyres, huge chopper tyre models, dynamic motocross tyres, or even slower classic motorbike tyres - they all provide riders with great levels of pleasure and excitement when used correctly. What you should always remember, however, is that it is your safety that should be considered above anything else, so the right tyre choice is vital.
One tyre option is never the same as another and the wide range of options offers plenty of possibilities. Motorbike tyres often differ in terms of their profile as well as the rubber compound used in manufacturing.
Naturally, for some, the visual aesthetic is of great importance, and no wonder. Picture a chopper shining in the sunlight or imagine how the white edge brings out the charm of a good old classic model. The looks may be as important to you as you feel like. However, when deciding what motorcycle tyres to get, the main emphasis should always be on the way in which your bike is meant to be used.
Motorcycle tyre selection
Some drivers travel on choppers, others may use touring bikes and yet others may be in need of tyres for a classic motorcycle. Racing riders, on the other hand, will most likely be after sport tyres suitable for the racetrack but also approved for use in regular traffic. Further niches can be found with off-road enthusiasts, who will often prefer enduro tyres and motocross tyres.
The right choice of your motorbike tyres will help to ensure your safety, which should always be the top priority when driving on just two wheels. It also affects your performance, riding comfort and consequently, improves your overall bike experience. Therefore, to choose the right type of motorbike tyres, first determine your preferred riding style and needs.
Road tyres for motorcycles
A general overview of motorbike riding trends in Europe shows that radial tyres, closely followed by diagonal tyres, are the leading motorcycle tyre types.
Because of the tyre construction involved, radial tyres typically offer better performance. This is especially true when riding at high speeds and for that reason radial motorcycle tyres often have the reputation of the best motorcycle tyres for fast road riding.

Touring motorcycle tyres
Compared with other types of motorbike tyres, touring motorbike tyres probably have the widest range of uses.
Importantly, we should not expect too much from these as they provide an optimum performance at speeds below 124 mph. You should be aware that, with this type of tyres, it is necessary to compromise somewhat on sport riding characteristics. The capabilities of touring motorbike tyres in this aspect are reduced to improve all-round performance in other aspects.
Touring tyres are designed to enable riding on the widest range of road surfaces, thus performing the role for which they are intended. They offer good rideability, a long riding time and a high level of riding comfort. Manufacturers are also aware that riders will be out in a wide range of weather conditions, so rainfall should not cause any significant problems for a touring tyre. Some of the touring models are often ranked among the best motorcycle tyres for wet roads.
Remember that maximum safety levels can only be achieved when you have perfect harmony between all the tyre-related factors. With that in mind, many people appreciate and choose touring tyres for their balanced performance.
Cruiser and chopper tyres
When it comes to cruiser models, also commonly known as chopper tyres, high speed performance is not the most important factor. Instead, the main focus here is on offering a long continuous running time, good grip on turns and an optimum silencing of the tyre at turns beneath a heavy bike.
In contrast to the sporting parameters of tyres designed for racers, in the case of cruiser tyres the emphasis is very much on offering an “easy rider” experience.
Thanks to being designed as reinforced tyres, a typical product in this category will offer a very high load index, enabling an extremely stable and safe driving experience. The side profile of these tyres plays a very significant role.
Besides the popular white edges, a wide variety of designs are available and extensive information on this can be obtained from the various manufacturers producing these tyres.
Off-road motorcycle tyres
As the name easily suggests, off-road tyres are designed with a very clear purpose in mind - off-the-road, all-terrain driving.
When hearing the term “all-terrain”, you are likely to think of meadows, forests, stones, gravel and other typical outdoor environments. And that is exactly what such tyre manufacturers had in mind when producing them. As a result, off-road motorbike tyres have a very strong construction and need to be equally resistant to all of these external factors.
Gravel and snow, or the well-known M+S (mud and snow) conditions, are not just abstract symbols. Any claim that a tyre is suited to driving on a loose surface makes it obligatory to ensure excellent drivability in such tough conditions.

A good level of grip will help guarantee that, in a critical situation, the bike will not behave like a panicking horse. Tightening corners, or on turns taken at a high speed on a less than solid surface, require high levels of grip on the front tyre, as most riders are able to at least cope with the sliding of the rear wheel.
Unfortunately, as in the case of various other tyre types, there is no universal tyre profile suited to all conditions. As a result, before deciding to purchase a specific model, it is worth reaching out for expert advice, taking into account the particular types of surface your off-road tyres will most frequently be used with.
Motorcycle sports tyres
To make the best use of a motorcycle racing tyre, you should ideally be a licensed racing driver. A sports tyre is more demanding than a normal tyre and is typically not intended for use on public roads, as its tolerance limits are very narrow.
Tyre pressure, tyre temperature and various other motorbike tyre parameters need to be harmonised for a competitive, high-speed environment. As such, any user of racing tyres for motorcycles needs to be aware of how far these models can be taken.
Various subtypes of sports tyres can also restrict the range of manoeuvrability even further, such as in the case of slick tyres, which are only suitable under specific weather conditions.
Many sports tyres are also designed for use on public roads. Those will be specially marked as such, although their usability is also limited to particular types of surface. Generally, they tend to be radial tyres which - at the cost of wider usability - provide excellent contact with the surface if they are used in precisely defined conditions.
Superfast motorbike tyres
Current trends among riders and users of superfast motorbikes suggests that it is worth investing in these tyres, provided that such a purchase is made with common sense. No matter how dynamic or exhilarating the ride is, it should preferably take place on an even, dry surface, as this is what these tyres are specifically designed for.
More advanced users of sports tyres often carry infrared thermometers, so that when the tyres have warmed up to the appropriate temperature - taking into account other factors as well - they can enjoy a sporting style of riding with greater confidence.
The importance of buying your motorcycle tyres from a professional vendor
Tyre vendors offer a wide choice of different motorbike tyre types. Besides the technical parameters, the tyres will differ in their construction and rubber compounds. With a great variety of motorcycle tyres on offer, expert advice may be very valuable before making the purchase.
A professional salesperson, for instance, will take into account your riding style when selecting a tyre. They should also consider weather conditions you are likely to ride in for most of the time, as well as road surfaces you will usually use. There are also additional circumstances, such as any potential long-distance trips you might plan to take. In such a case, the bike’s tyre load will get heavier than normal which is a significant factor.
Of course, the above is not all that goes into the tyre selection process. You should also consider additional important issues, such as corner handling and emergency sharp braking. The pleasure of driving should be a secondary factor behind the extremely important issue of safety, not the other way around.