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Model Barum POLARIS 2 is currently unavailable
We are collecting information about this tyre from 7819 Days
During this time, we have collected1370 reviews
Our customers have driven on these tyres 17381000 km
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I pirelli - good but loud, they are much more quiet. I go skiing in the mountains, not only Polish but is in our best test tyres (all over Europe there is no such combination of surfaces like us - especially winter ..) OPAn very stable, well maintained, quiet drains water well, generally buy up to 2 car for his wife. For the money any better ..... Read more Collapse
Summary: I recommend this tyre
Overall assessment:
The grip on dry surface 4/5
The grip on wet surface 5/5
The grip on snow and slush 3/5
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tyres worth buying because of the price-quality ratio. A little howl at high speeds on wet roads but other than that decent hold on the dry and not bad stretch in the snow. I would recommend as an alternative to Debica Frigo and Kormoran - certainly will not be disappointed. What to wear is not enough drove km to credibly say something. Regards Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 3/5
The grip on wet surface 3/5
I think generally pretty good (my first winter tyres). Unfortunately, quite loud, much too loud - especially when up to speed can hear the roar. To about 50 - 60 km / h, you can go quietly (like holding the rails in the snow and ice) over the speed starts to slightly lose good contact with the ground but I guess all tyres without spikes as May. Read more Collapse
Summary: I do not recommend this tyre
I recommend these tyres - buy ahead - do not worry, opny are really good quality. a bit of whistling in the water, but it is on the ice and snow - great and that's what counts the most in the winter. one can be sure your car on the opnach stops where the driver wants it and holding on to the road curves perfectly. With this money worth it! Read more Collapse
keep tyres on the wet and slippery very good. hockey knows no avail. the price is very good. have two disadvantages: they are loud on the wet (but it did not bother me because of the fact that it's still an old diesel) and quickly rub (I've done this winter 12 thousand blades clashed and half - even next winter and into the trash) . Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 4/5
Łukasz T.
Tyres recommendable. After testing my car in the same car were in my woman. Their only drawback is whistling while driving in the rain, but it does not bother me because I know that well disperse water and prevent the wet. The snow very good grip. Corsa serve in the winter for snow removal from the driveway in front of garage bumper :-) Read more Collapse
The grip on snow and slush 4/5
tyre as hard as the winter (but that's standard in barum). I tested it in all conditions and nothing good about them I can not say. Several times a miracle there were no bending ;) Debica is better. I ride in another car on the Fulda Kristall Montero and I think that at this price there is no better tyres! Strzeszcie before Barum! Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 2/5
The grip on snow and slush 2/5
Production of 4806. This year - it's the same jest-2010/2011 take. Auto: Ford fiesta 2002. I shot "them" on hand, etc, etc, were solid winter test in Gorzow Wielkopolski and mountains. tyres are about what the "negative" reviews "-" bows to "correct tyre pressure, that's the whole secret. Read more Collapse
The grip on dry surface 5/5
The grip on snow and slush 5/5
I got tyres with used car purchased. Today (12.11.2010) the temperature about 10 degrees and wet. Two tight corners before going on ekspresówkę. I thought that escapes me at the front of the lorry. In winter, they have not yet had a chance to test but I'm apprehensive. It seems I'll have to put some money and buy a new one. Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 2/5
When you buy a little bit afraid, "Baruma". I once had a contact with the brand and to put it mildly, I was not impressed. But here really positively disappointed. I drive a second season. So far excel fairly well (although the snow seems to me that the old Cormorants wintery fared better). I bought and have no regrets. Read more Collapse
Wojciech Jaroszewski
Very good factor for money. Cheap and reliable. In the wet quite loud, but it's finally winter tyres. They do not cause adhesion surprises - wife tested - recommended for women. Consumption hard to assess: two winter seasons and looks przejeżdżone that for the next 3 sure enough. W / in the course given only on winter tyres. Read more Collapse
Karol A
tyre very good, especially if you do not have too many helmets. Debica it hold a candle to her. Of course there are better but they are also more expensive, I already have a second season, now would be the third and they are still in excellent condition, just worth buying, what I'm wondering about buying a Mazda 323 Read more Collapse
For the price you can not buy a better tyre. I'm with "polarisów" so glad that the other two cars equipped in sets "Barum shoes." They are a little loud, and that's basically the only negative that I registered - as I wanted to be quiet in the cab I would have bought a Mercedes, not a Skoda. :) Read more Collapse
Great in the snow. Yet in them is not buried, but Extremely tested them. Hockey is just like any tyre, even winter - not without some reason ujedziesz. On dry asphalt pretty loud humming, but it goes to endure. Very soft, you have to be careful of holes, which are plentiful and everywhere. Overall, not bad for the money. Read more Collapse
Tyres very loud noise can be heard in the middle, in winter tyres toyo is not. In addition to the noise I'm happy, ABS is not "turn" in the snow, on ice or much less. Wet and dry conditions which keep track and not fall into the skid. I do not feel some small holes that you could feel the summer of 185/60/r14. Read more Collapse
Suited for our climate. If you are riding mostly in a loss to overpay. But I must admit that before I had Pirelli tyres, and not expensive. And the snow verify a lot better. Barumy unfortunately, are not so sure. But it must be really good snow to have problems. And now it happens once a year, so the damage to overpay. Read more Collapse
I bought because the suggested test results given in weekly auto world. I took a chance and it paid off. Driving in winter caused (2 seasons) a lot of fun and meant that much more powerful vehicle owners were often surprised by the fact that the Fabia as easily go away from the lights of not cleared of snow streets. Read more Collapse
In the last 3 months I drove on these tyres 7500 km. On a dry road riding around in them as someone already mentioned - pretty good vibrate above 130 km / h The snow tyre has one advantage: it is on the wheel. Dancing car on the road even with a very light foot. Inhibition of the snow is completely ineffective. Read more Collapse
The grip on snow and slush 1/5
tyres perfectly OK, for the price, you can still buy savy Eskimo, I was in the last season, the difference virtually nil, savy were a little softer, the same noise level, practically does not interfere unless the repealed the glass, I can honestly recommend these tyres others endure three seasons for sure. Read more Collapse
For opnkach drove a little more, but first impressions very positive, very well behaved on the snow is a little weaker in the wet, ice is known to every tyre behaves badly as to wear it if you can not see the wear and tear. I'm happy with the Randy's in this price range is a really good suggestion. Read more Collapse
tyres most Polish conditions during the winter (we know there is nothing to expect from the road builders eats in front of us and strives odśnieżyć) excellent handling on ice and snow at high speeds (on the airstrip tested at 130 km / h car can easily move out of the slip and controlled in progress) Read more Collapse
Michał CVC
I am very satisfied, no unpleasant surprises, well keep the car on ice, snow worse (box the) - but that estimate for the nominal wine b.ciężkkiego toy cars and not the tyres. After driving season were so in good condition, I could name just one, instead of pairs (uszkodozno me when changing a tyre). Read more Collapse
Good tyres. great for snow, good on the ice. Nicely pulled uphill. Quiet. Only now at 4 season began to wane - it's probably the last season but so have zimoae. The only weak point: not suitable for sport - for dry cornering are 'bułkowate'. But who pulls in the winter. The grip is about Read more Collapse
tyres, considering the price, they are good. Behave in a predictable way, both on dry and wet roads. On snow and ice meet expectations. subject only comfort is low and the fact that they are quite loud. But you can not expect miracles at this price. Generally zapisałbym tyre manufacturer in plus. Read more Collapse
I drove one winter - now knock on every door in the summer, to be finished quickly, and it is a big problem in the wet. I had the worst tyre I transformed already and Firestone, Nokian, Uniroyal, Yokohama, and more. I'm usually careful criticized, but in this case I do not have any scruples. Read more Collapse
Really cool rubber for a very reasonable price, over the winter I block access to the unpaved road about 80 m barumki passed by ... In the mountains during the holidays also gave the council a little noisy on a dry road, but you know the price now for the winter pile of the same to the megane. Read more Collapse
Moving in different road conditions from the mud to the dry asphalt. There were no problems and moving my hard drive in snowy and slippery roads. As for the noise it's no wonder in the end it is a winter tyre, which is expected to keep the road and not be silent ;)! I highly recommend it. Read more Collapse
tyres can and good but definitely not the snow. I bought them with the vehicle was almost new and I gave them to me for free so spoiled blood. I put Debica frigo and really does not even have compared - Debica beats them on your head. Do not buy for the winter damage Barumów money and nerves. Read more Collapse
adequate quality tyres for the money! strongly advise against buying them in this segment, you can find much better rubber. Barumy disappear in the eyes! I thought that perhaps even because of the soft compounds are well retained in the snow and ice, but are, at most, the average? discourage Read more Collapse
Reading the opinions predecessors wonder if we write with the same tyres (eg Caro 1.4). The tyre behaves well on dry and wet roads, also had the opportunity to ride in the snow and slush - without any problems at speeds of 80 - 110 km / h On the downside I include just whistling in the wet. Read more Collapse
Tyre meets my expectations. It works well on both dry and wet asphalt. Good behavior on the snow and a little worse on the ice (even though hockey is just no tyre does not provide 100% certainty). After two seasons, it looks very good and you can not see that her life was coming to an end. Read more Collapse
The behavior of the dry nawierzchn say that a decent level. Unfortunately, the wet veritable tragedy - keeps the tyre completely and does not know when the end traction. Replaced due to their own safety. Similar problems relate to the company's summer tyres. Definitely not recommended. Read more Collapse
The snow - Super Fine, the wet asphalt - good (but unfortunately too loud), the so-called. "Slush" - satisfactory (felt wheel slippage even with very careful traction). Holds the road well, with no braking problems. Despite some flaws, with reasonable ride definitely recommend! Read more Collapse
Pros - keeping the tyre in the snow and low temperatures phenomenal. Minus - tyres are noisy on the wet asphalt, and the radio is the problem disappears. Very good tyre for drivers who prefer a quiet ride (in winter agerywny driving style is the height of stupidity). I would recommend. Read more Collapse
Staged estimation 4, because I have no comparison with other tyres. In those two seasons przejachałem (about 30,000 thousand., Maybe a little more) my first car. Three more leisurely ride, I'm sure before I change car .... Allowed to use, while retaining its original właściowości Read more Collapse
tyres are ok, a little hum in the wet but at this price you will not find anything else, unless you used the ages of 5 - 10 years, anyone who bought a used let them check the manufacturing date, I checked - was 8 years old, I bought a new and I am very pleased. I would recommend. Read more Collapse
Jacek Szeliga
Is no different for the driver calm like better than other brands. This is my next Barumy. I drove to the summer and winter. I have a total of 240 000 km driven this car, the first sets were Michelin, then Dunlopy and Firestony and about 100 000 Barumy and I do not see óżnicy. Read more Collapse
Poor tyre, wet braking tragic. Sold after one season. Nice only on the snow. Loud and very comfortable. Above 90 km / h the car starts to float lightly on the chewing. Really only suitable for a quiet trip to the top of the packed snow. For use in the winter is not recommended. Read more Collapse
The grip on wet surface 1/5
jerry r.
Unfortunately, very disappointed in these tyres. On dry and wet pavement is ok, but a little snow and enough tyres go where they want - a tragedy. In the previous car had Dębica frigo and I was very pleased. This year, I'm buying another and these crashes - wants to live! Read more Collapse
In fact, the purchase price was decisive, at Debica Frigo, and here, in principle, the advantages end. Loud on dry and wet asphalt, ice does not go in loose snow back in the compacted snow slides (well it is ABS, I would sled). It is good for dry asphalt at low temperatures. Read more Collapse
Overall, a very good tyre, taking into account value for money. Really not worth it to overpay for "branded" winter tyres unless we go Extremely and very much a Furka. Then in general one does not count the cost. We strongly recommend the purchase of Barum - Barum. Read more Collapse
Piotrek z Kabat
Clincher for its price behaves OK well the feel of holding a snow vehicle but realizes with no winter tyres are better but the price is adequate to the quality of the quiet ride so cautious to recommend it. and one more on the wet asphalt whistles but it is not burdensome Read more Collapse
everything ok with mud and snow will leave good stretch and hold the only thing they can be accused of is that they are quite noisy but this area of 100 km / h are recommended by autosalony had yet savy eskimo virtually the same one and the other judge on the db + Read more Collapse
The tyre is not suitable for the current weather conditions in Poland - this is the tyre that starts with "acting normally" below -5 degrees warmer if it goes on like a flaku. I recommend the Siberian frost ... But cheap does not mean good. greet readers! Read more Collapse
Tyres are great for the price. Before you have had Dębica frigo and there is no comparison to these. Renia rode like a tank after the recent extreme snowfall in the Tricity, there I was standing in traffic jams on Moreno drove up without a problem. Recommendable. Read more Collapse
Very good tyre. In the first year Yarku Barumy had started and were doing really great, hence the purchase of another car winter tyres the right of the company. So far, not too much distance I drove, but I'm very pleased. Good tyres for a decent price. I recommend Read more Collapse
Very good tyres, super stops (auto without abs, new brakes and it is difficult to be blocked wheel, auto stands in place even with the speed of 70 km / h!). Quickly rubs off on the front wheels, 2 seasons and Shrot, a little noisy but I definitely recommend it! Read more Collapse
There is no need to write, as the tyres are the properties of their price! If you think the ride is nothing serious will happen. (Well, unless you transplant the speed). If, however, we expect a lot of tyres that offers something better: Firestone Winterhawk. Read more Collapse
As for the price, it tyres good, but not suitable for driving on the motorway due to noise above 100 km / h I drive a lot in the mountains in the snow and perform well here. In a word, the quiet ride, even on rough terrain, so not to drive faster (noise). Read more Collapse
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