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2.6 Average rating on the performance
  • 3.4/5 Dry surface
  • 2.7/5 Wet surface
32% customers recommend this tyre
513 reviews
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We are collecting information about this tyre from
8293 Days

During this time, we have collected
513 reviews

Our customers have driven on these tyres 8409000 km

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  • Results : 513 of 513 reviews

    175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    "A characteristic feature of Impulser Kormoran tyres is very good adhesion to wet surfaces" - in a straight line at a constant speed. I bought because it was a promotion - I live in a city with lots of "cubes" and boors tragedy wet on wet asphalt - a tragedy. Water drainage or water when driving over the state of the tread - niezauważyłem some special things so you do not snatch the opinions. comfort and noise - I accepted no special attention. Ice and snow as I know, these are summer tyres so there is nothing to talk about but a tragedy. Appearance - how to wash and squirts some preparation for tyres or even glitter to the cockpit - great. But that's not the look of it and it mostly to the car stopped at the right time because as it is to disperse disperse a hamocać must always and everywhere - and this tyre does not guarantee that. Although Poland and not some other I do not recommend "The guys think cormorant and do something decent cobym (we) were satisfied and chose Polish product." I greet and wish you have fun New Year's Eve after a successful Christmas, and wind students exams he told jakieć blew aids. PS - But a note on ..... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 1/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Zryczałem to tears with laughter reading the reviews of other users. It's hard to recommend these tyres because they are actually very comfortable, loud and like to prowl the wet. They are neither good nor bad. The second time, I do not buy them - that's for sure. But do not confirm the observations of bułowatości and problems with balance. I put these tyres to the Civica wife and she rides the curbs as a butcher - one even arranged for driving about 250 m flaku ... Definitely consider that Honda makes excellent suspension and a lot of help on Impulserze driving experience. Besides tyres, yes but only slightly beat more than 110 km / h and not at 70 - how to give some :-) My wife rode on them in winter (not enough snow and I did not want to draw winter). Also gave the (mostly city). This year, I drove on these tyres in the summer route Gdańsk - Poprad - Gdańsk and even rode nicely, I can not complain. In summary, the tyre is average and if not the price - the current competition - it would not be worth even watching. However, many users have a limited budget and must operate in such conditions. Well I guess that is how I annoying my wife ;-)) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    In general, good tyres this fight if it was not with the car in the ruts! I do not know what it is with these tyres, but the car is not so simply just change the direction of travel on small bumps. Goes like a balloon and not the tyres. On the road with significant ruts and speed of over 120 km / h car is simply out of control and you need to slow down! Annoying and sometimes very dangerous. I do not know why but I can not balance. As the car is traveling about 140 km / h even flips the wheel. Shortly helps them balance but then again the same thing. Nice is that these tyres are very well excel when driving straight on wet roads. It's the only really noticeable advantage of these tyres because the inhibition can no longer cause problems in addition polonaise (Polonaise advice for drivers, never block the wheels because you could do more harm than good :). It's probably as much as they are winter tyres for the winter and when it comes to give them a course of about 30000 km because that's my style of driving, and even if it ... I can not stand this any longer, "conducting" in a rut! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Good grip in the dry but firmly removes the potholes. Wet and rain TRAGEDY! Damn dangerous, slip and very chałasują even slightly damp. Draws heavily on the uneven asphalt chamowaniu (patches and widening roads) at the Polish roads is baardzo common. Entry and exit of the track is cumbersome and the wet roads very dangerous. Above 100 km / h which arose hitting the steering wheel balancing can zawlczyć (preferably every 2 months). When she caught me yet summer winter slippers after the first trip to the city as soon as possible (I mean driving slowly and carefully) I went to the site to change the tyres - a complete lack of control on the snow even slightly przypruszonej road. Although they are still in good condition mention the front (drive) tyres for a foreign model from the top shelf. In total for all visits sewisach to balance wheels (there were conajmiej 3) paid the them so that their total cost would certainly buy a lot better zgraniczne tyres. Not recommended, it is really worth a little bit to pay extra and buy something else! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The first set was enough for me for 2 years seasons - clashed completely (and broke one - even though I was not even aware of). I do not know what tempted me and I bought 2 set (4 tyres) - it was using 1.5 of the summer season. According to me it is a tyre for just one season (with normal driving). The largest drawback, unfortunately life - constructing a burst tyre inner grid (this wine road - but for 8 bought three tyres burst - a slight exaggeration (I tried to avoid every little hole in the ground). Tyre is loud! The only positive is very good driveability for the first few months of use (if we could keep it ...) - unfortunately I can not afford such frequent replacement of tyres and my tyre has become another "Fulda". definitely quieter, further experience and opinions will still have time I hope .... that more positive. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R15

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    They were cheap. The first 5000 without experience. It seems that in order, the nightmare began later. Braking in dry good, although a little on the hot asphalt tears. On the hot dice - about behaving well in the wet. The snow and ice do not write, because it's summer. Comfort zero. Huge rolling resistance, noise like a tractor, a quieter cars in the middle of a completely unsuitable. The howl of the area. 70 km / h on a wet noise like a roller coaster. Attrition low, hard rubber. Resistant to inequality, and 60,000 did not notice wybuleń or anything like that. Unfortunately, unbearable noise causes more of them certainly do not buy. Last 20,000 easily loses grip when cornering, even on dry, even though tread far from retyrement. Generally, I DO NOT RECOMMEND the absence of any comfort. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The tyre is not anything in particular stands out. Unfortunately, there are huge problems with balancing the tyres, which makes itself felt when driving at speeds above 100-110km / h I certainly should not be here balancer tyre plant - a few times in different factories and is renowned brought the same miserable results. I know that these problems appeared not only in my case. In addition, these tyres excel fairly well in dry conditions. However, when braking on wet surfaces easily fall into the skid. Leaves much to be desired and the level of noise generated by them when driving on wet asphalt. The tyres are completely unsuitable for winter conditions. riding on them in the winter is a constant balancing act on the edge (typical summer tyres). Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    perhaps the only criticism can relieve price .. but so much fear and nerves in the wet as in the dentate zaczyanją beeping at 90km / h (for no reason) .. balancing problems and heart above 110km / h are serious drawbacks .. in the summer as it rained nastawiałem to drive as if it was-20C in the middle of December .. Now I have them only on the front so I put firestone 590 and as soon as I have money to buy any, immediately to the rear as well .. "In conclusion":] the price is a little kiepsie can to small cars as tico but heavier (around 900 kg and more) are literally dangerous! PS 3 season a fluke so I have them, and despite the reduced suspension shall not popped bubbles .. but on a wet ass in turn bears .. oh I wear ... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    It is a pity that there is no Kormoran tyres on all models! I had Kormoran 2000, bought in 2001. I put in the middle of April and ... skidded on the roundabout on dry asphalt with some pozimowego sand. I took off my tyres fall after 5000 (normally workout a lot more but in the summer I had a vacation and home renovations) and have sold over 50 zł art considering that I do a good deal. Polish ekupujcie than never tyres suck. The only advantage is that the faint clash, otherwise the same disadvantages. That's skates and not the tyre. Bury all founded in the spring of 6 years old Michelin and were better than the new Cormorants! Discouraged! Do not buy because it's Polish! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 1/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I drove mostly on impulserach 80,000 on the road. Especially on dry asphalt hot fast breaks traction. Very strong noise. The rain water drains very well when driving straight ahead. Even in the ruts. Overall, much better in the wet. Very hard rubber. Tyre typical year. In the winter, is not suitable for driving, but I have winter tyres Debica S30 (typical snow, I recommend). Tough on Polish roads. At the end of August began large tumors. Exchange due to heavy wear and tear, but do not tread. Comfort zero. Noise (noise) very strong. The eternal vibration in the suspension. It seems to me that this distance is a good result. The rest sucks. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres are not the worst but that could be better, but with the price. On dry asphalt pretty good braking, cornering though sometimes at higher speeds and sharper cornering felt uślizg. Wet horror of horrors, you have to be careful with what force pushes the brake, because you can take a ride (not where we want to), but in the end I learned to ride them and I'm still alive. As for the noise is hard to say because in 23 years you can hear everything the car, and to drive in the winter ... it is summer and I do not understand the comments and ratings regarding driving on snow and ice. Finally - you can forget about aggressive driving! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Fatal behavior after the first few months (initially, the new - seem to be ok). Runner, a fact - not to wear out. The bank is on the side of the bubble will pop. Tyres removed from the rims do not - balanced from time to time beating after a short time of balance. The first major surprise - brake lights on the route before the very light rain (summer, 25 ° C, głaciutki Italian asphalt) - just as the car went ice skating. Until these bubbles and beating - the massacre. Resistance in the making of hearts - a lot. Purchase of choice, I was not biased - but I pass these miracles (unfortunately) a wide berth indigenous inventions budget. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    On the plus side very favorable value for the quality, I drove the 1.6 Felicia letniaczkach 90000 km and hold equal profile, no bulges, after 6 years of service I have come to the front tyre wear indicators but I think for some tyres and abrasion them is not at all larger than other foreign and when I rode a lighter Corsa is exchanged them because of the age of 8 years and never wear but if someone is pumping the tyre until the tyre deflection visual will be ok and do not use pressure gauge, pressure according to the brand and type of tyres the car will have a bulging and all the impressions of the braking nieskuteczości written Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Skoda Fabia Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    He drove three seasons for them (they were only on the front axle) initially was OK but the third season was already a tragedy - have become very "slippery" and completely ceased to hold the "sideways". The arches and the wheels start with twisted impression was to "roll up the tyre on the rim," This tyre is too miękie the sides and over time this ailment worsens. Alienated to the riding season again leciwych Good Year GT 70 and despite the fact that due to age and wear longer fit almost into the trash are clearly better than cormorants (which it already went down almost to TWI). Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    At the beginning I was delighted when driving straight through puddles almost not felt. But try to brake on wet asphalt, it's faster maneuvers tragedy. Extremely przejexdziłem on them all winter, but it was not driving it was a nightmare. I do not recommend to our terms and conditions. after a few months on the sides of the bubble popped. Despite the high profile feel wszuystkie inequality. I do not know how come got such high marks in the test and the cost of tyres on wet tyres nawierzchni.O Cormorants are surprisingly great, I have them already 3 season and cool all the time. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/80 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I bought them with the car. I drove with the car on the side slip them into a ditch at a speed of 50 km / h Buy from these tyres only if you lack thrills in life. If you want to make each trip by car was a challenge for you and fight for your life - this is the tyre for you! On a dry stick hopeless in the wet it's even worse - even the 135 profile tyres fall into aquaplaning at every opportunity. At any sharper curve and roundabout, losing traction squeak no worse than nalewanki. I replaced them on the Uniroyal Rallye 680 and the difference is just dramatic. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 1/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I bought a Skoda in the living room on the tyres Stomil Olsztyn D-164. After 4 seasons of riding on the front of the average was about 3 mm and the tyre tread on the sides of the rotten! I went to exchange gum service. Salesman talked me into new tyres on the market - Cormorants (Stomil Olsztyn). Nice to be better because I bought the Michelin brand. So what? These changes! Mesh on the sides instead of bubbles appear and tread life without change! One of the tyres properly inflated even looks like half flak (low profile perhaps?). People - never again! Wrrrrrrr Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 195/65 R15

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Hi, przejeździłem them 13 000 km. Octavia 1.8T zczipowaną ride for 200 hp and 300 Nm. Tyres have very poor grip even on dry pavement, not once mieliły my wheel to the end of second gear despite the fact that I did not try for it. Cornering car very often streamed in my slip and simply flew sideways toward the shoulder. I H speed rating that is up to 210, the only plus is that when I flew on them still 230 km / h is that he never broke. Last but not least do not dare cross them despite the fact that the speed of these Skodzina 250 km / h is dispersed. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    Skoda Fabia Hatchback

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 1/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    the tyre did about 50 000 km can more because of the conversion of the cormorant s100 winter tyres which no longer produce, in my opinion, tread should be a bit deeper as the cormorant 2000, as someone once got a new but also no longer sales lead is a pity, in general I was pleased to know tyre with wet nawieszchni boxing but this is how you add more gas when starting so you can get used, overall tyre for urban driving and less aggressive and prudent driver's side, because even the best tyre does not give us the sense of security and on the road Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres not bad - so I thought, but after driving some 10 thousand have changed dramatically its very glosnio zdanie.Zaczaly buzz, b, c the sides (not wywarzenia) and the grip in the wet - a tragedy!! Ice and snow - it's like a dry ride saniami.Na are not bad but I do not have tyres which were to be a problem on this interesting wogole August podlozu.Co not clash 50tys the course is still good 50% tread, however, you need to replace biciai Because of the noise . (can blow bearings). The tyres are only Polish winter tyres are worth of interest! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres pretty cheap. Traction in my opinion, good though it is mainly dependent on driving style. The lunatics are definitely inadequate. However, these tyres have a huge disadvantage, and other reviews, I conclude that it is a factory defect. It is a serious problem with their balance. Even when buying a jump on the balancer because of the lopsided shape, and after some time they could pry even a few times a month and there is no improvement. I do not know whether anyone Stomil check the quality of products and receives signals from the market? Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    This is the ninth year the type of tyres on which I rode at all and are definitely good for nothing. On wet roads need to be able to control the vehicle in a slip! Lateral as such only on dry, wet because you can fly out of the bend. Incredibly loud - more than 100km / h only hear the tyres. I wonder what tyres to compare them favorably wypowidając driver? Problems with balancing area and the beating of 100km / h after 20000km a quiet ride. We strongly advise against it. It is better to buy even some drugs - more likely to buy tyres undamaged. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Krzysiek K.

    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    This is my second set as the first advertised due to the lack of balance (and the cause of this condition were crooked tyres) Fortunately, it detected 5 of railways gentleman who deals with balancing, the rest do not even have a clue what to look for. The complaint was and I am happy, but the next set of niekupie. In the dry I can not fault them but now I'm shivering wet zachamowaniem because of the problems (easy to lose traction). For a person who runs very quietly but surely will be good for those who like driving dynamic rather not. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I was happy for the first rain. On dry asphalt quite OK by me. But on the wet asphalt surprises me even after two years of use. Breaks traction when accelerating, especially with twisting, which the drive rotates back and quickly falls into a skid when braking. When locked wheels have the impression that he was going "like hockey." Therefore I strongly advise against it. Recently turned me on too tight cornering on wet asphalt with no standing water at 50 km / h In my opinion this is not a safe tyre. Pros: price and abrasion Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Disqualifying is to preserve these tyres when braking on wet roads. The rest of the defects (difficulty balancing, 'beating' at speeds above 120km / h, appearing ridges on the sides) it's not life-threatening issues :) The tyre comes off poorly, but it's one of the few advantages ... I think that if Impulserów price corresponds to quality and description produceta is more desired and the actual characteristics of the tyre does not ... in any case, I do not buy any more tyres is not guided by the opinions of the users. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I bought these tyres with the car and it's the only thing that speaks for their possession. After some 40,000 came blisters and bumps. Now when I see 60,000 sparciała and cracked rubber. In dry conditions carried out ok, but by the time the rain comes, or puddle. Then it is better to slow down and I'll advance as quickly opens airbags. For this hard and shakes przeokropnie. I do not support, but compared to the winter Barumek, spinning wheel awfully hard to stop. For Barumkach much easier. We strongly advise against it. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The main disadvantage of these tyres, a steering wheel runout of more than 100 km / h It does not help balancing and making convergence. At first I thought it was something with the suspension, but I checked that the cause of this phenomenon are the great tyre. In addition, at a speed of over 100 km / h, especially in wet conditions comes from the incredible noise of wheels. At first I thought it was something out of the engine casing, but that flaw, however, these tyres next. Tyres are only suitable for cruising around town. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I do not see any particular advantages or disadvantages - at least after a year of operation. Kormoranach goes on just as usual - in the summer. But it takes only a little snow to quickly lose grip. In winter, you need to go slowly and a great deal of imagination. In this situation, even beat them age-D124! Of course, the Cormorants are not winter tyres, but the D124 does not, and exercise a lot better. All in all, a quiet ride Cormorants do not offer anything special in the winter other cause a headache. Not worth it. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    On the second day after you purchase 2 items found that 1 unit is beating. The manufacturer acknowledged complaints :-). After replacing and further exploitation (calm style) all the time beating the steering wheel more than 95 km / h It did not help balancing tyres, replacement brake discs. The only plus is resistant to abrasion. After 20 thousand. km are in pretty good shape. But unfortunately, the continuous steering wheel vibration I developed arthritis elbow, and I had enough. Change to the Dunlop SP 30 Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    so far the tyre surprised me positively and negatywnie.cholernie loud, in your head you can get. so from 80km / h howling mercilessly!! holds up surprisingly well on dry roads, sharp turns at 100km / h is of foot and this despite the fact that I have driven amorkach almost 100000km! Wet does not impress, but yez are not hopeless, but certainly better than Debica vivo! I have driven enough to say something about the abrasion. but I'll wait to see. Honestly, I thought they would be worse than people say. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The main advantage is the price. On wet poorly inhibit, accelerate even worse. The puddles aquaplaning happens, but rather only the deep. As for me, far too loud. Above 110km / h the suspension vibration, so actually they are only suitable for the city. Nodules also already beginning to appear. With a more powerful braking on dry asphalt can fault. Average would be if it were not permanent problems with wyważeneim wheels. I do not recommend. For this winter Cormorant Winter - the two classes better :) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I was happy for the first rain. On dry asphalt quite OK by me. But on the wet asphalt surprises me even after two years of use. Breaks traction when accelerating, especially with twisting, which the drive rotates back and quickly falls into a skid when braking. When locked wheels have the impression that he was going "like hockey." Therefore I strongly advise against it. Recently turned me on too tight cornering on wet asphalt with no standing water at 50 km / h I think it is not safe tyre Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tragedy. After about 60 thousand. km shot one of the tyres on the rear of happiness. The next two were bulging on the perimeter and on the side. It was one in remembrance of me, I think I'll make it flower ... Worse than those of cormorants are probably only Debica vivo. Both types recommended for people with strong nerves and lubących live on the edge (really guarantee extreme experience) Now I have a Daytona D100. The difference as heaven and earth, especially in the wet. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    In dry - works very well - regularly ridden at speeds> 150 km / h On a wet slip at the beginning of what turned out to be wrong in configuring wine suspension geometry (Convergence + karosaz) - if that's ok, they can torture opnki really wet. Superb resistance to aquaplaning - deep puddles even above 100 km / h harmless. After traveled 50,000 light beating one of the tyres, but unfortunately not to the balance. Ultimately, the change to some of the tread pattern. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    People, what do you want from these tyres!? If there are any bubbles, it's actually embarrassing - for me OK. Are loud - but it's far their only flaw. In wet very long time does not start up ABS - as he will give to the shoe wet, then get in the fure father - 4x4 Bridgestoneami Poolposition R18 255 and go! In dry - you need to 3000rpm teeth depnac something happening, turns and braking - rather predictable ... generally as a 600zł caplets - I'm happy ... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/80 R12

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    People! Stomach ache smiechuj me to read the reviews as "testers" of PF 126P conferring to the rapid and aggressive jazdy.Takim set to be a month to finish each tyres.Prawda it difficult to balance the loud etc but remember-these tyres are to calm amateur driving a small car and for the money well meet your rolę.Na end-evaluated by some of the behavior of these tyres in the winter it is like to prove why you need to wear in winter fur coat and no T-shirt! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I go quietly, but these tyres as soon as the surface is wet are so slippery that as many fear for their ride! On these tyres should be engraved with a moist surface conditions a speed limit of 50 km / h maximum! (Outside the city). Drainage after entering into a puddle on the 3rd judge For dry road tyres my assessment is positive. Due to the poor adhesion to wet this year have already bought the product from another manufacturer. Cormorants do not recommend it! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    kierowca od 22 lat

    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres are indeed cheap, but the wet relatively quickly lose grip. On dry asphalt behave well. Sometimes, like popiskiwać (especially when braking). The side of the tyre is too soft. I have a feeling that the tyre too much to put on the corners. Although the front tyre pressure is correct from time to time get some strange bubbles if they were saggy. Rather, I would not decide on the purchase. Next time I will choose a few gold more expensive Dayton'a. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Contrary to advertising in the wet total failure. Steer clear of puddles - not holding direction. And worst of all, that the tread was about 4 mm and the tyres to throw (which comes with a lifetime warranty? Ie TWI to the level of consumption), on both sides of the cavity porobiły (unless something in the middle let go) on one tyre in two places. Sounding awfully like you can go get the steering wheel vibration. Too bad the money for anything. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    przetragiczna tyre. in dry conditions is not too quiet on bends can surprise. braking on dry should begin as of 5 meters before :) but the wet is definitely not to go. advise against purchasing this tyre people who ride often, need to navigate through the rain or driving a little faster and require a good performance from the tyres in braking and cornering grip. but for those who like hell meadow as recommended best value! hehe, and only that. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 1/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/60 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tragic on wet roads. After 9000 km all tyres are defective due to defects in the design side (convex) causes flutter wheel of more than 110 km / h (four balanced before I realized the cause). Incredibly loud. In general, the quality of outrageous even for a relatively low price. Jaden ridden season, and despite the lack of wear in the spring for sure they do not bet. After this experience certainly also have bet NEVER ANY Kormoran tyres. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Maciej Olszewski

    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    On the tyre from the purchase distortion is noticeable (podłóżnie wgęcia running only on internal and external sides of the tyre). Tyres in the snow (as in summer) inhibit better than Debica. The wet really well discharge water. When braking on wet with 100km / h at the beginning you need to brake gently and then eventually back to normal, gdzyż PAMs lost control of the vehicle. But overall it is from 1-10 for me are: 5 Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Since the beginning of the beating, almost at any speed, the first set was replaced under warranty. The other a little better but still feel the beat. Damn guy new tyres, balance and assumes lead after 25 g, what it could be. Of course, I squeezed cements that rim curves. How pissed off that I told him to put my old zmówki these crooked wheels and it turned out that everything is ok Bury necessarily those tyres. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    On the dry it's not bad. As far as holding up the road (such as the size, which I had installed) - both braking and cornering, a little loud - but there is no tragedy. Quite slowly consumes. But in the wet - failure. Very quickly, lock the wheels when braking, my Fiesta (all 60 horsepower :)) managed to break the grip on the two. Luckily I sold them with the car and I'm not going to buy them again. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Bridgestony turned on and then I saw a colossal rożnicę.Samochód quieter and at speeds above 100km / h does not vibrate, steering wheel fixed. This can be compared with the change of car for two classes of wyżej.Generalnie it can not demand too much because I will definitely recommend rozczaruje.Nie better get over a few pennies more, and invest your cash rozsądniej.A winter is on these slippers mistake. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tragedy. Beat, so that at 120 km / h it was impossible to keep the steering wheel in his hands, balancing helped for a few days. The shop said that the fault of a faulty suspension geometry, but this is not confirmed service. I decided on the complaint, which to my surprise found Kormoran. I bought other tyres, the problem disappeared beating, which shows that the car everything OK. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 145/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Currently have a full set for the summer and winter. Behaviour in the summer on dry very predictable> recommend, you have to have wet min. skills :) However, the choice of tyres for the winter> is just only for city driving at low speeds even with moving my might still be a problem. Summing up for money factor positive, but only in their choice of the beautiful sunny summer. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres chosen because of its low price (it was cheaper). A very nice surprise me the noise is normal, running strongly about, wet nawierznia does the problem (despite the fact that they are designed more for small cars). I think that when I choose again next purchase cormorant, many theoretically better and more expensive brands of exercise worse. I highly recommend Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    tyres generally not the worst. On August pzreżyć will dry to wet a little worse now ... must be a little careful. As for the grip I have a few comments, szczególniena sharp turns at higher speeds did not give the advice. It was better not turn gwałtowwnie. Now I have the Sava effect and I can not get used to the car in corners as well holds the road :) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    With all the tread, which is when they were new, you can still ride, although the wet foot of the gas. After a challenge by mid-tread, threw them. Just to wet asphalt behave like hockey, you can not stop and go winter so fear to fear. With my driving style 35tys tread still looked good, but the price of the security of his family. I do not recommend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
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