Model Kormoran IMPULSER
is currently unavailable



2.6 Average rating on the performance
  • 3.4/5 Dry surface
  • 2.7/5 Wet surface
32% customers recommend this tyre
513 reviews
  • 5
  • 4
  • 3
  • 2
  • 1
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We are collecting information about this tyre from
8293 Days

During this time, we have collected
513 reviews

Our customers have driven on these tyres 8409000 km

Usual driving style


  • Results : 513 of 513 reviews

    175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    For dry quite good - no squeaks, very good in the wet especially when it comes to aquaplaning in front of the snow and ice for suicide - in such conditions drivability and traction when starting almost equal to zero, comfort quite good, average noise level, very low attrition need regular balancing. Tyre for the average user with a thin wallet. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    only 7000km driven, because the longer the distance it all 4 were slickami: (... terribly binder, for my taste it's more than debica vivo ... too quickly clashed with the grip ... but not bad ... Pleasantly surprised me wet grip in the snow ... not really ... I recommend for conducting peaceful ... for lunatics strongly advise against ... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tragedy! New tyres after 6 months-got beaten egg tyres to 1.5 cm. The complaint is not included-Kromorana Expert opinion!? "... As a result of heavy braking!?" Strange, tread along the same height and 1 cm to wipe it unless you have to brake from 200 km / h It is better to buy used designer. Cormorants discouraged with all my heart! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    On a nice flat surface on them rode, but driving on roads with ruts little then cost him his life. On his way out of a rut, when overtaking a lorry threw me so that I was almost on him. I had a few cases that I am turning the wheel and the car suddenly drove from his track (koleiny!!). I think the sides of tyres are too soft. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I am a professional driver and I can distinguish good from bad tyres. Impulser summer tyre is good but I would not advise using it in the winter. After this, after all they are winter tyres. Those who bluzgaja on this tyre I do not think very much on the know and as they say, is always a bad ballerina shoes do not match. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    With a calm driving style, which is characterized by mnia as the driver, tyres are nearly perfect, given the low price and good handling characteristics. For Kormoranach ride a few years and drove them more than 100 thousand. km. Every 2 - 3 years consecutively mention 2 tyres (new always give the front). I recommend! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Jarosław Makal

    over 2 years ago
  • 135/80 R12

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Welcome. How so read the reviews of some users here it seems to me that most of them either have horrible luck (he hit the defective copies) or expect the tyres for about 100 - 130 gold do not know what. In my previous car (Suzuki) were doing for 3 years very well, just the way you think. People more imagination! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres mostly cheap, and so good for a quiet ride. For dry yet hold fast (you have to watch out ruts) but on the wet asphalt is already worse. We strongly advise against aggressive then fork! Winter: moving them up the hill in the snow immediately turn on the 3 or even 4 gear! :) I think it speaks for itself ... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Lack of grip in the wet, with snow and ice do not remember = 0, if you do not want to blow up the car in normal driving do not buy it unless you do not exceed 40 km / h driving by, eg spring morning for work, fear, and my heart in my throat. I honestly do not recommend! better add 20 zł and buy something better Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I received the goods what I expected - in accordance with the manufacturer's description. Hard tyres, a little noise, less in return clash (previous "Fulda" I had 2 x faster). I've never had trouble with lag, etc. I have a "cormorants" równierz winter - also I have no objections. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    Ibiza 1,4

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/80 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    definitely not, just do not recommend that tyres have excellent stick to wet surfaces according to the manufacturer but it's a bluff, the car is podsterowne on wet asphalt, at a speed of 30 km / h, the tyres hard, cracking rubber, hence the low score, the only thing that resistance turning small Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/80 R12

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Since the Korean misunderstanding threw p / t Hankook began after the August uslizgiować on hot asphalt on Impulsery Impulsery change and I do not use winter tyres, some on purpose, to give myself to stop. Very favorable ratio of price / quality and you have no brain and not just your right foot Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    impulser user

    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Posses: Felicia Combi 1.3 Application-exclusively as the speed of 100km sezonowe.Hałas? Hour disputes. The biggest drawback: Although a small course, hardly used tread tyres are suitable for sharing! due to peel off (peeling) of the bieżnika.Występują dangerous cracks. I do not recommend!!! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    These tyres put on the rally bmw and I will tell you that the better tyres to burn rubber not seen it yet. Donuts on dry pavement as they go on the ice and by his abrasiveness senile for a really long show. In everyday driving I would not recommend unless you want to lose your car or life. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 195/65 R15

    Verified review


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I once bought only Michelin tires. Now I prefer to buy Impulsery not stand out quality, and have a very attractive price. Like to mention that I have spent a lot of tires in your life (driven over 2 million miles), and in my opinion Cormorants combine good quality with reasonable price. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    VW T4 Transporter T4 2.4 D

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 145/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Awful trash, after driving 900 km one of the tyres was a felerna-oval and the lack of symmetry and the factory makes it 30 working days to establish this fact, leaving the customer on the ice. It is better to add 30 zł and buy something else, we strongly advise against buying this crap. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    for a year or two pretty cool in the wet but after riding in the rain and the ice. have a small abrasion so if someone goes low and quiet you can buy, but the sharp driving on a wet road is not suitable. have changed the Pirelli P3000 so we'll see if it is worth make a few gold. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 145/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The tyre is not recommendable rode it about 3.4 seasons, and I would not have bought these tyres ... during the rainy season it is better not to leave the road and if you are moving up to 40 km / h braking on wet roads is a tragedy already winter tyres michelin better behavior Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    tragedy, throw money, worn out very fast in the wet is already fighting for life, I did not have shit worse, those who says that, as such, I do not know what went before, as I have then you need someone to pump more than 0.2 recommended by the manufacturer-good advice. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Wet behaves like ice. Zero, repeat zero grip. Tread slowly rubs like but what if odywa at the expense of the lack of inhibition. To this day, as I see it I get chills cormorants. How jezdzicie too hard and you want to unlearn a buy for the Impulsery, act as a tab ;) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Are suitable for the summer. tyres good, I think the leprze of Debica. Overall I would recommend for a quiet ride. After 4 months already visible wear. end with what is true even as they write ... but only in the front. As someone quietly will ride a big plus. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 5/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I bought 4 pcs. the 99pln. For the money can be. On dry asphalt, it's a mistake. Wet and for the money can be. Well water discharge. Noise does not know, because in the old diesel noise at another ;) In the future, unless I want to buy something else. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I wrote earlier but unfortunately I have to write again!! dear people, louder tyre in my life I had!! This August, even in the city you can not ride!! howl mercilessly!! and above 120 is already a total disaster!! comfort goes but it can wake the dead!! Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    This was treated as a purchase of budget tyres, but after driving a few thousand miles tyres were excellent. Much better than buying expensive tyres that another company bought a second car. According to the opinion were to be "good" Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    August rides not bad but there are some wgłębinia on the side. Where I bought it they said it's normal - but I think the only one, because for me it is not. Now I fear soon ride them - pulled for the winter and advertising. Bury purchase. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    2000 - 5000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/80 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Very good tyres for a car Polonaise - very durable, soft enough, riding them is a pleasure, of course, without distractions. Owner few cars on different tyres and to small and medium class is the recommended tyre - a loss of money on others. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    below 2000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    price, price, price, for 97 zł for pc you can not expect miracles. Good tyres for cheap, watch out for the wet!, With velocity 130 - 150 km / h quite loud. Always better than a new tyre this old bald and dangerous! Overall I would recommend. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    After 2 years of operation tyres have nodules, beat - the steering wheel vibration - almost to the exchange. Make mention to me one tyre - the tyre stronger braking stretched, changed geometry. That shit a long time I did not. Nightmare. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Andrzej K

    over 2 years ago
  • 175/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    friend talked me into the tyres and now it is no longer my znajomym.OSTRZEGAM fatal, the wet weight of the shoe on the brake pedal causes them to slip and even on dry can dance (drive only in the summer) I think that someone like skates Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The tyre is not bad. Hardens when it is old, but is resistant to burning rubber from a standstill. The older the worse it behaves when the surface is wet. In general, it can not be too much to require that tyre because it is cheap. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres are not as bad as many people think. Well stick to the asphalt after the rain, even wear. In my view, positive. I note that they drive more safely and not "squeak" tyres when accelerating. Rather, I recommend Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    After 60000 km tires used in the 50% are so hard-on wet must be very careful!! Unfortunately, I bought them with the car but would not recommend to my worst enemy, especially dangerous when braking on wet-car glides like ice Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Good value for money. The tyre is good for Cars Class A (CC, SC, matiz ...) and smaller. For larger cars I should be afraid to select it. In moderate driving pretty decent. In winter, I would go to winter tyres cormorant W100. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    rather poor quality tyres, worn out quickly, fairly loud, safe for small speeds, the wet foot of the gas far as can be unpleasantly surprised when braking, the traction on wet just a little more gas and slip guaranteed Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Marco 1975

    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Rating j / w has no effect on what happened. After 5000 km beating began tyres. Vibration so up and down and side to side. Started beating on the front wheel. I gave advertising tyre manufacturer to write the results. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 5/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    weak cord, a few days after falling into a large hole in the forest and gets blisters on the sides after 5 tys.km.Aby to keep max.ciśnienie not the case - but not on the road gwarancji.Nadają Sweden, but not Polish. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    I bought to get rid of the original Soviet which had been 10 years. The difference was shocking, but now I buy tyres from the top shelf. Although probably no such improvement in the properties do not feel like that. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Tyres definitely better than that Skoda offers standard (Matador). In dry conditions are performing well, but could have better wet traction. I rode in the snow because I had to but it was not bad, because I live ;) Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 165/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    No great revelations but the tyre does the job as positive. For the price very good. Wears a little quickly, and this is its biggest flaw. I counted on the course area 20 000 km. I would recommend for a quiet ride. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Note the wet - may surprise you. Besides, for the price you need a little - better make 50 zł and have peace of mind. Oh, and sometimes break the cords on the sides and not czcą wyminić services under warranty ... Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Hi, tyres are about too small a distance as about 6000 [km] to assess at 100% if they are good or bad. Time will show, and then I think about it and buy it again Kormoran's tyres. Regards, Sebastian Noworzyn Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The tyre is tough and keeps well in the bends. how each should take care of the correct pressure is too low difference immediately sense the. Unfortunately, in May beating and it discourages me to buy them again. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    loud enough, after about a year of use on wet 20000 tragic, because I need to move gently slide like hell, you'd better slow down on the wet because of a sharp deceleration bad. After the end of these 50 000 Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 175/70 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Excellent tyres on dry asphalt, but only to the carriage, in the wet are like ice skates, quickly deform and are beating, you would have to pry them from every trip. Top with cut slick tread soles for clogs. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/65 R14

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    The wet tragedy. I have a 133 horsepower engine and the wet, even in third gear smoke meadow. tyre noise is terrible. I would not recommend anyone of these tyres. The only advantage is their low abrasion. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 3/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    After several balancing, rotation and finally advertising - tyres by the manufacturer are OK! but with a speed of 100 km / h bija! powerful vibrations of the steering wheel! advise against buying Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    Fiesta 1,8 D

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 2/5

    The grip on wet surface 2/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 185/70 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Feebly in the winter, the rest OK. Soft, good for dry and wet surfaces, small abrasion (50, 000). Button showed up after falling into a hole in the asphalt. Now, however, I will try universal Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0

    Paweł S.

    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    In suchymk tyre is ok but at least seicento in the wet is like hockey. Maybe it's a little small wage by car. Were it not for the rain, not inhibit it niemialbym to let major objections Read more Collapse

    Summary: I do not recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    more than 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    fast and dynamic
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 1/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 155/65 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Reading the comments, I wonder if many drivers take to the road car yet meninges. Tyres quiet, well stick to the road. The wet well discharge water on the ice this winter and is weak. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    5000 - 10000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 4/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
  • 135/80 R13

    Review not verified


    Opinion from outside the UK

    Generally positive. The reaction of unpredictable set of tyres during braking in dry conditions at the access roads to the junction but it's probably ailment most tyres. Read more Collapse

    Summary: I recommend this tyre

    distance travelled:
    10000 - 15000 miles
    Driving style:
    no data was found.

    Overall assessment:


    The grip on dry surface 3/5

    The grip on wet surface 4/5

    Is this review helpful?

    0 0


    over 2 years ago
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