Continental ContiEcoContact 3 - User reviews

After passing through several tyre manufacturers can confidently say that these are good tyres.To what made me even more convinced them the idea is very good directionality-Turn the wheel and the car goes where he wants :). Improved comfort suspension for holes. The tyre behaves equally wet and dry - is holding very well and quickly adapts to changes in road surface. My only criticism is rolling resistance. During the change of Fulda, previously semperitów, goodyerów mi combustion increased quite specifically because of 0.5l/100km at the same pressure as in the past. Generally tyres .... they have almost everything you should have a tyre :)


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000 miles
Place of use:city only
Driving style:fast and dynamic
Vehicle:VW Golf 2
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5
Jacek Kołodziejczyk
Great tyre at a low price. Continental Tyre 155/70 R13 won the ADAC test - that means something! I was afraid of the fact that it was produced in Romania, but more than 6,000 miles if it does not raise objections. Without the rapid acceleration and deceleration (highway) is not noticeable wear. When driving into a puddle does not cause dangerous behavior of the vehicle. Tyre recommendable.


Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000 miles
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:Nissan Micra
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
As for distance, I beat them I'm not sure - not noted changes in the winter, I am not an expert to evaluate the rolling resistance. Size that I use is by no means low profile, so I have not tested cornering too hard ;) Anyway, with comparison to two other summer tyre models which have the opportunity to experience golfík for my term of office, their behavior in the wet it was really good. I did not realize how much stress when braking on rainy days I've been missing until I bought a P3000: (Yes, the tyre will be better, but in its price category CEC3 is probably the leader :)


Additional information

Distance made:below 2000 miles
Place of use:city only
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface5
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
I bought these tyres to the car's daughter. I put the safety and I admit that my life is also very important. Sometimes I drive a car on these tyres and I have to admit that behave perfectly. In addition, my daughter drives a relatively peacefully so I did not notice signs of use on these tyres


Additional information

Distance made:below 2000 miles
Place of use:in terrain + in the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failuresNo
Feathering, durability4
Driving on these tyres is quite nice quiet and economical. Sometimes cornering squeal a warning and if they wanted to escape to the outside, do not go crazy. In normal driving speed suited to road riding alone project. The wet water and ruts and gutters endure with dignity and without slipping (as long as they have a high tread). Confident and going forward, the ADAC tests were right. It is necessary to change the tyres,


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000 miles
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
Long wondered about tyre choice until the choice fell on Continentale ContiEcoContact 3 according to the size recommended by the vehicle manufacturer. I would definitely recommend these tyres for people with moderate driving style. For sports, not suitable because of the high profile. Taking into account the ranking of the tyres and the best value for money, I can say that it was a good choice.


Additional information

Distance made:10000 - 15000 miles
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Tyres judge in relation to the factory Firestone brand - other experiences in this car I do not have. Continental ContiEcoContact 3 beaten on the head in every way Firestony factory - a totally different ride quality, quiet and easy to spin the wheel with no support. The only negative is probably the faster wear than the factory, but something for something. I would definitely recommend!


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000 miles
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
Tyres entyrely satisfactory for everyday driving. Very good traction and high security. Among the disadvantages mention nagging little tyre noise and a very annoying phenomenon driving the pebbles in the tread which is the cause of unpleasant sounds (in my area lasted a long time on the road repair work and hence the cursed stones).


Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000 miles
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:golf 3 1,4l
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5
Previous tyres also Miele same company. They were installed at the factory. I drove on them 50000 km. Practically the end safely. Next say that is super dry and the wet there is no stress. Yours. I am pleased with the service of this store, recommend to all. Quickly, professionally and safely.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000 miles
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
great buy. Although polo may not be designed to test a car tyre, but the specifics of the suspension and transmission type to easily show the weakness of the tyres. In dry conditions, "going" like on rails, the ruts, the heavy rain a little wear, but no miracles. I would definitely recommend


Additional information

Distance made:10000 - 15000 miles
Place of use:all terrain and outside the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Total rating of the tyre